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Over the years, human kind has been plagued with the sin of war. In the begining, war was a shameful thing, but hatered of brotherens made war a solution. War was a solution, but religions for bid it. Peace was soon given a chance to rid of war, but blood was like a drug. Once you get hooked, you can't give it up. Soon war raged once again, and war was  now the world religion, untill the worlds resorces began to depleat. Humans began to work together to find a better solution than war, so war was then gone. Like drugs, you can get off of them.

The solution of the Earths depleation of resorces was to colony other planets, so science became the world religion, but more and more scientist discover, it gave more proof that God was real, so people began to adopt ancient religions like Christananity, Islam, and Judasim. Soon humanity conkerd the Moon, then Mars, the moons of the gas giants, and soon mastered intergalaxtic travel. As we travel to a planet from a different solar system for the first time, the thought of alien life reamurged into our minds. Evolution began to reamurge as well since it was abandon long time ago. As the pioners landed on the Planet, a lifeless planet was in view. Water was on the surface, but n0 life. Not even bactira. Funny though, the planet was habitable, but no life exiested. The same with all of the planets we colonized. No life, but habitable.

Soon science was found boring to most humans because we where the only life in the universe. War soon became to exeistense once again. A great was soon raged on and nearly destroyed humanity as we know it. The war soon ended, but to try to provent a such war like this, humanity has divided in to four galaxtical kingdoms. The Klunderdaks, a Kingdom that is a replublic, but military ruled. Education is not high, but enough to have a powerful army. The Vounderless Kingdom, a theoism run government with rulers that are selected by elders. They prefure peace over war so their military isn't very powerful. The Qulaks, a civlization than is ruled by Kings and Queens. With education at a all time high,and culture that is very rich, you would think that the military isn't very powerful, but they have one of the most powerful. Finally, the Zeldersflaks. A kingdom that is a direct democracy, with a high education, but a military composed of mechianes.  They are the most avance civlazation of the four.

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Comment by Brandon Arzola on July 3, 2012 at 12:06am

It is a working progress.

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