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Spiders Is Bacon's Blog (2)



It's Spiders again. So, here's the deal. I just got musical.ly a couple days ago (follow me at @run_and_go), but I only have 2 followers. Does anyone have any ideas for how I could get more? I feel weird for asking on the kommunity, but I have nowhere else. :P I'm not trying to drum up buisness. You don't have to come follow me, but I could really use some help. Even…


Added by Spiders Is Bacon on October 22, 2016 at 3:20pm — No Comments

New Group!

Hey All!

I just created my first group a couple of days ago, and I could really use some more members. It's called PentatonixFans, and it kind of speaks for itself. It's a group for any Mythical Beasts who are also fans of the A Capella group Pentatonix. Right now, it's just me and one of my friends in it, so we could really use some help. Don't feel like you have to join, just know that you can.


-Spiders Is Bacon

Added by Spiders Is Bacon on September 10, 2016 at 9:23am — No Comments

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