Okay, so you get to know most about my day in the video,
went to the dentist thinking i had tooth acke, seems that my wound from the opperation
was infected and coused a pain in that whole side of the mouth.
Really glad i can use this camera instead, Sooo much better!… Continue
Okay so todays song is just improvised since i slept all day, du to the heavy medication.
For you who are watching my videos and do not know why i was on medication, i surgecly removed a tooth
and it hurts alot, so thats why.
Thats also why todays cong is not that great, but enjoy!
Hey there fellow mythical beast, its cleaning time in the den!
So todays song is about chores and getting them done!
Sock are getting to dirty t wear again
And even my underwear is wearing thin
I guess shouldn't complain about my situation
But my appartement looks like a clothes invasaion
I need clean up
I need to wash my clothes
There's dirty dishes in the sink
That needs Attending… Continue
Episode 7!
Wow we've actually done this for 7 weeks? Don't seem like it, but its been great!
And thank you for all the support tonight, i think we broke the record for the WTWOWK so far!
They guys are back from LA but there has been no word about a Rhett and LinKast tonight so the WTWOWK will be hosted by none other that Chris (Skoll), me, again.
I hope that you all will tune in since this will probably be the last WTWOWK in a while.
Tonight we'll be talking about some different types of things like,
new KBE's, things that Chris will do the next month, bead art,
Rhett and Links glorious return from LA, Doritos Contest and alot more.
Okay, so people on the Komm Chatroom were talking about snow earlier,
so here is my song about snow and the way i feel about it.
I don't like snow
It one of the worst things ever
I know that i might be clever dressing up
Properly when i'm going out into cold weather
but somtimes it doesn't help
I just hate it, I just hate it
I don't like snow
I don't enjoy skeeing
and i don't enjoy peeing my… Continue
If you have a friends that you want to thank !
Please think of this song and maybe send it to them!
Thank you for always sticking be me when I'm feeling down
Thank you for beeing there when I need you the most
Thank you for always understanding when not
To late to win
Thank you for everything you've ever done for me
Thank you for beeing… Continue
This video is to explain why my voice a bit strained last night and why i was so tired.
This clip is from the studio diary of my band Forever in Your Name, so go check us out!