
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Robin Dufilho (Puck)
  • Female
  • Lubbock, TX
  • United States
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Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s Friends

  • Juliet (Coonachu)
  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)
  • shiger---It's a shy tiger.
  • Caleb Howard (The Akhlut)
  • Sierrah (Swift Chimera)
  • Alex Perez (EskimoBunnyFly)
  • Lexi (Lauma)
  • TheToppingFamily
  • Tim Heisler (El Cowhuahua)
  • Mi Eberhardt (Akupara)
  • Erin
  • Jessy Stuart (ZombieZedbra)
  • Mary Q (Umbralagus)
  • David Hrusovsky (Gorgon)
  • Kevin (UniSeal)

Robin's Page

Latest Activity

jf sebastian commented on Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
"What if I have no ass?"
May 30, 2022
Trey Speicher commented on Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
"What if you don't know the answer to  step 3"
Mar 26, 2021
Adam Tucker liked Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
Oct 2, 2019
Simon Molyneux Quinn Bence liked Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
Aug 14, 2019
Len Kagamine commented on Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
"hi my friends will hang here cuz he stopped playing roblox so I know where to hang "
Jul 16, 2019
Nia commented on Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
"I'm new to the community and I just picked my mythical beastname it is a reynard fae . It is a trickyer fox merged with a gaity from folklore France. I'm glad to have joined this website community"
May 31, 2019
Nia liked Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s blog post 10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast
May 31, 2019

About Me & My Mythical Beast

Hi! My name is Robin Dufilho. I know, it's an unfortunate last name, but it's not bad once you get it. Apparently the Portuguese ancestors of my husband put extra consonants in their name so they could tell when it was a telemarketer calling. The "l" and the "h" are silent, so it's just Doo-Fee-O.

I am a wife and mother of two. My husband is a video producer at the local hospital and I homeschool our two munchkins. We live in west Texas where it's too hot and too windy to go outside. That's why we love Rhett & Link - an indoor activity enjoyed by the whole family.

I'm excited about meeting other fans, so I'd love to get to know something about you. Please say hello if you stop by.

My Mythical Beast
Puck is also known as "Robin (hey, that's actually my name) Goodfellow" or "Hobgoblin" and is best well known from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream (which appeals to the English teacher in me).

According to Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898) [Robin Goodfellow is a] "drudging fiend", and merry domestic fairy (I think I like that better than stay-at-home mom), famous for mischievous pranks and practical jokes. At night-time he will sometimes do little services for the family over which he presides (like all the laundry and the dishes). Puck is also a generalized personification of land spirits (that's right, we recycle).

Comment Wall (71 comments)

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At 11:59am on August 21, 2011,
Kevin (UniSeal)

Hey Robin,

I was on the Groups tab recently and noticed there were only 3 featured groups. I was just thinking that a good choice for another would be the GMCL Fan Club, since it has several hundred members and is solely about something Rhett and Link related. I know you're in in charge of approving the groups now, and though I don't know if this is exactly in your jurisdiction, I just thought I'd let you know.

At 8:33pm on April 27, 2011, Lexi (Lauma) gave Robin Dufilho (Puck) a gift
At 1:09am on April 14, 2011,

At approximately 11:00PM (EST) on Wednesday, April 13th, 2010, Alex from New York, NY - - the city so nice they named it twice - - became Mythical Beast Kommunity Member #15,000 . . . be sure to drop by and say a big hello & welcome.




At 10:43am on March 11, 2011, TheToppingFamily said…
Thanks for the kind words Robin! We've had a great time getting here, and meeting Rhett and Link. We're hoping to have an equally great time heading home. We've been up-loading to Youtube all night, with a couple of failed attempts. We're hoping for better internet connection at out next hotel. Also, stay tuned, we're looking to go to caves today or tomorrow, and some other fun stuff. We love it when people enjoy our videos!
At 12:48am on March 10, 2011, Erin said…
So I got wind from a few people's vids that some info was given at other stops about their upcoming project. We didn't get that info! What should we do? I'm so curious! lol
At 9:35pm on March 8, 2011, Erin said…
What is your twitter handle? Mine is @eiremerald
At 9:15pm on March 7, 2011, Erin said…
Yes, I'm thankful that I have that flexibility, but unfortunately my friend (who is also a huge fan) does not. :( So, I will be driving there alone. *sniff sniff* I'm going to try and get them to do a video message for her though so she'll feel a little better. She's devastated, poor thing.
At 7:50pm on March 7, 2011, Erin said…
FYI just got a tweet from Link that they're going to be in Amarillo TOMORROW not Wednesday! Tomorrow 6pm or later.
At 11:28am on March 1, 2011,
Robin - - a couple of people have asked if I could start a GROUP page for those planning to meet up the various stops along the way for R&L's road trip from NC to CA next week.  I notice that GROUP approvals have been intermittent lately, so wondered if you could put this one on the "fast track" so I can add a discussion thread for each of the scheduled stops along the way by no later than Thursday.
At 4:55pm on February 28, 2011, Michael Gorman (The Human Radio) gave Robin Dufilho (Puck) a gift

Robin Dufilho (Puck)'s Blog

Kommunity Update #61

Posted on June 21, 2010 at 6:30pm 2 Comments

Happy Father's Day to all the mythical dads. Any dad raising their kids on Rhett & Link is doing something right in my book.

Are you going to VidCon? Let JoJo know here.

The biggest buzz around the Kommunity right now? The Mythical Shoe. Go to the… Continue

Kommunity Update #55

Posted on April 5, 2010 at 9:30am 4 Comments

Need an idea for something to eat? Check out the Kommunity Cookbook.

Say hello to our featured member, Ryan Harris (The Flying Mango) and check out the KBE that he created: Project Lip Dub.

Don't forget to keep taking pictures for… Continue

Kommunity Update #48 - February 15, 2010

Posted on February 15, 2010 at 9:39am 15 Comments

Want a t-shirt from the T-Shirt War! video? Go to the T-Shirt War Store.

Post a picture of your favorite graphic tee in Matt's discussion.

And it's not too late to buy a copy of Rhett and Link's new CD, "Up to this… Continue

Kommunity Update #41

Posted on December 28, 2009 at 12:32am 9 Comments

Pre-order the new CD, "Up to This Point" or try to win one by participating in the KBE.

Take a picture of your Christmas tree and share it in the Kommunity Christmas Tree Collection.

Go over and say "Hi" to… Continue

10 Steps to Becoming a Mythical Beast

Posted on November 11, 2009 at 7:00pm 647 Comments

Step 1 Sign up and create your profile page

Step 2 Join a group

Step 3 Reply to the discussion "How did you find Rhett & Link?"

Step 4 Chat

Step 5 Add photos, videos, and music

Step 6 Return multiple times per week

Step 7 Pick a…


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