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Nicole (Epischen Flamme)
  • Female
  • Bryan, TX
  • United States
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  • Maddie Robinson
  • Wes (Chinzilla)
  • Mockster-The Talking Hornd Lion
  • Jacob (The Beardmaster)

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Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 4:05pm on July 22, 2015,

re: MythiCon Texas - - - did it happen? please share any pics and videos you have at:

looking forward to seeing yourself & friends who attended to include in the MC-2015 compilation poster.


At 3:55pm on July 6, 2015, Capriella (Gray Fox) said…
I'd be more than willing to help out and give ideas and bring stuff but I'd need to talk to u!
At 3:23pm on July 6, 2015, Capriella (Gray Fox) said…
I've facebooked you
At 9:32pm on July 4, 2015, Capriella (Gray Fox) said…
Yes I saw your replys I was just hoping that you had made the final decision. Sorry I don't really use face book. If be willing to help u out with some ideas though:)
At 5:21pm on July 3, 2015, Capriella (Gray Fox) said…
Any updates on where Texas Mythicon will be held?
At 11:59am on March 16, 2015,

@ NICOLE - - per your request a discussion and planning page is now available for

Last year the attempts to get a meeting going in Texas (both Houston & San Antonio) did not have much of a recruiting effort put behind them, and the resulting turnout was low as one would expect.  But I believe there is good potential either at the Bryan / college Station area [surely there must be a large contingency of Aggie MB, right] or, as you stated, within a relatively short drive to one (or more) of the larger cities.

Here is a link to last year's discussion thread so you can correspond with the potential host/attendees to get this thing rolling . . . http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/group/mythicon-2014/forum/topics/mythicon-2014-texas


At 6:21pm on January 15, 2015, Wes (Chinzilla) said…

What exactly is a 'Epischen Flamme'? Just wondering,

At 1:31am on January 10, 2015,
Gumbo V2.0

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