
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hannah Watt (Hadhayosh)
  • Female
  • Cumbria
  • United Kingdom
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  • Tammy (Landshark)
  • Meg McMo
  • Rhett  (Shahbaz)
  • Link

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About me:

I'm Hannah, I'm 20 years old and live in the UK. I'm 6ft tall and have 17 piercings (22 including the ones I've taken out), and 6 tattoos.
I love music, comedy, singing, dancing, acting, parties, tattoos and piercings, and of course Rhett and Link.

I have an amazing boyfriend called Tom, he's 25 and we've been together for 2 years 4 months now.
He's an IT technician, so because of him I have an amazing computer rig and know how to build computers etc.
I love online gaming, like Call of Duty 4, Counterstrike Source, GRID, Street fighter IV, Killing Floor, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and so on, I also like single player games like STALKER, Far cry 2, Crysis, Fallout 3 etc.

I honestly can't remember how I came across R&L on youtube, but the first video I watched was The Facebook song. Ever since I've been hooked. I bought a R&L t-shirt too, which is my pride and joy!

I like to be the comedian when I'm with a group of friends, but it never usually work and I get stared at for being "weird", well I am a bit weird but if you aren't, then that's wrong haha!

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At 8:21am on November 24, 2009, Rhett (Shahbaz) said…
nothing beats dancing dreams
At 2:52am on September 11, 2009, Shoham Palmer said…
Hi. Well it seems like R&L had already decided on Mythical Beasts. Do you think we should still try?
At 4:42am on September 5, 2009, Shoham Palmer said…
Hi Hannah. :) I was planning to write something on the discussion board about our fan name as I realized you wrote the exact same thing I was about to write. I think "Mythical RandLers" is the best idea. Did they just drop it because I think you need to fight for this one!
At 10:33am on September 4, 2009, Rhett (Shahbaz) said…
wow. awesome dream. I have crazy ones like that, too...they're just hard to remember. you must have thought about it right after you woke up.
At 6:59pm on September 3, 2009, Tammy (Landshark) said…
Thanks for the friend invite! Hope you're enjoying the Kommunity!
At 1:14am on August 19, 2009, Meg McMo said…

Have a great birthday, Hannah! From Rhett, Link, and the Kommunity.
At 7:58pm on August 4, 2009, Tammy (Landshark) said…
Hello Hannah! Greetings from the US! On behalf of Rhett, Link, the Kommunity moderating team, and the Kommunity volunteers, WELCOME! We're glad you're here!

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