
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Remember when they first got The Wheel of Mythicality? And how EXCITING it was? They used to spend so much time on the endings (watch the end of the episode called "Miniature Horse Sighting" and you'll see what I mean). For most of Season 3 though they seemed to be kind of slacking on their creativity/enthusiasm when it came to wheel endings. There were some good ones, but for the most part the wheel endings just seemed wearisome.
When they got the huge wheel for The Mythical Show though, I was convinced that they were gonna have huger endings. I naturally assumed that each of the spots on the big wheel would be the same as a secret spot on the normal wheel. For example, when it landed on "Hide and Seek," I expected one of them to legit hide somewhere in the studio, the other to legit seek every nook and cranny of the studio, and a camera to legit follow them. I guess I thought that the size of the wheel was in direct proportion to the size of the ending.
I think that spinning the wheel and acting out the ending is a lot like swinging a bat in baseball: you have to follow all the way through in your swing if you went to hit the ball any considerable distance. If you just swing the bat 30 degrees and hit the ball lightly, it will just plop to the ground. You would most likely get an out. That would be a poor hustle.
There have only been four episodes so far though... maybe they're just gaining their Mythical Show legs.
But I really have a need in my soul for an epic wheel ending on that epic show. I mean, that wheel is humongous, fools.

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