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Comment by Pam desk (Tweakeet) on April 4, 2016 at 4:38am

Been there, lived that, wore out the T-shirt. I feel ya.

Sometimes, life stinks. (Sometimes it stinks very badly, and for a long while.)

Coping strategy that worked for me: 

Step one: Find someone who needs help; help them, and leave before the thank you gets too mushy/deep whatever. Repeat with someone else. 

Step two: Brainstorm a list of actual things that might change or help your situation, even a little. Review list, pick out one thing you can do in a short amount of time (like no more than 30 minutes), do it. Revel in the accomplishment. 

Step three: Repeat steps one and two several times.

Step four: Now ask for help. Make the request specific. If the person you ask can't help, don't be discouraged, just thank them for hearing you out and ask another person. You might even ask them just to help you brainstorm, or ask for suggestions on whom to ask. And don't limit yourself to just the people you know; expand your resource pool.

Step five: Repeat as necessary.

Realize that some problems resolve themselves with time, some problems will never be resolved but can be lived with, some problems require assistance (maybe even professional assistance - that's why they don't sell do-it-yourself surgery kits ;-)  and some problems simply require you to view them from a diferent angle. 

You'll be surprised what you can endure, and more importantly, what you can accomplish, if you just don't give up. Life will also surprise you with help from previously unknown resources, once your focus changes to help others first (no matter how bad, hard or heartbreaking your own situation is). Weird but true. 

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