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Whats would be your weapon to fight some zombies?

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a whole artillery!!!! :P

The type of weapon I use would depend on the type of zombie. There are many types to look at. Are we dealing with the slow, steady shambling type or the sprinting kind? The kind that can spit infectious bile, or the kind that transfers with blood or saliva?

The first step of a fight is learning your enemy. Charging headlong into battle without knowing your enemy will not end well. You will be surrounded, eaten, and turned. If bodily fluid transfers the virus, then melee weapons are out of the question. One hit on a zombie and you've just become a walking carrier. The blood that will splatter on your clothing from melee combat could possibly infect others if you rub your face, eyes, nose, or mouth.

Also, am I alone? The best weapon I could have is a friend, someone to help me stay sane through the madness of a zombie attack. You still have to take in factors like food, water, and psyche to the equation of fighting. Am I going to be alright with shooting down people I once knew? No? Okay, I'll hold the ammo and water.

A 100 round drum of 5.56 mm ammo weighs roughly...20 lbs. I can carry 5 drums and still comfortably run around, add in some water bottles and a one gallon jug and I'll reach my "comfortable" carry weight at 125 lbs. Still light enough to run around, and I'm carrying 500 rounds of ammo for someone who isn't affected by shooting down former friends.

What about shelter? You will need somewhere to bunk down for the night. Sleeping in abandoned buildings or cars simply won't work, you'll be found and eaten in your sleep. Will taking 500 rounds off the base risk putting it in danger? Quite possibly. That's a lot of ammo. The average soldier carries 125 rounds, and I would be carrying around almost 3 times that. A reasonable amount would be a 100 round drum in the weapon system, and a spare. That's what SAW gunners usually carry around...more or less depending on the gunner's preferences.

Battle contains a significant amount of planning and thought. Simply rushing out to fight will end in your swift death. Sure, you may take out a few, or a dozen, or a hundred. Maybe you'd like to be some sort of Battle Valkyrie, an angel of war raining death upon your foes. I see swords and knives, melee weapons and various weapons being posted. Do you have the skill to wield what you ask for? Do you have the strength to swing that bat at something soft and fleshy repeatedly for, quite possibly, several hours? Do you even have access to what you want to use?

I think not. There is no winning in war. No battle is ever considered a victory if you lose someone. Eventually, one by one, or en masse, you will lose people. They turn, friends have to kill friends. Morale will lower, becoming almost non existent. People go crazy, thinking the scratch they got off a loose nail was from a zombie, that they've become one. They bit friends with a twisted sense of purpose, people forget the real signs and start shooting each other for no reason at all, just to weed out people they didn't like. Your once strong camp is reduced to a meager shamble of itself, and is easy pickings for whatever may find it, whether thugs or hoard.

A strategist he is..

Many zombies he shall kill

1. I would us an axe, specially cuz im good with one

2. crowbar

and i would survive all by myself

machete on back, 1911 pistol on leg, short barrel m4 in my hands, chocolate chip cookies in my pocket.

and an army of mythical beast behind me. Am i forgetting anything.


lightsaber obviously, sheesh  

FLAMETHROWER!! i love flamethrowers, they're also very effective against large groups, and  I assume in the case of a zombie apocalypse fuel will be much easier to find then bullets.

22. LR is quiet and it has been known to enter into the skull and then bounce around inside the skull. So when the apocalypse starts I currantly have 875 rounds of 22. Cal and 3 or 4 guns. Also will be grabing my 20 ga and my remington 308. I will put all of these upstairs and destroy the stairs.

Katana and crossbow  :D

After reading the "Zombie Combat Manuel" I have come to the conclusion that the best weapons would be either a mace or an ice-scraper. Easy to find, no skill required, highly effective. 

I don't think it has been mentioned yet, so, here it is.

Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you....

The AK-47 Chainsaw gun

Baseball bat with nails sticking out near the top. It goes in the zombies head and slides out fast to kill the next one.


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