
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

I've created this space for Mythical Beasts to post their Cicada Challenge submissions so that we can see all of them in their cicada munching glory!

Post your videos, photos and cicada challenge related paraphernalia!

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The Cicada Challenge: Cicada Cake!

John Secada -- haha. 

For future reference, bugs are best chopped then sauteed in butter, garlic and whatever spice you like.  I had grasshoppers in Mexico this way and they tasted like seasoned peanuts.  Nothin to it.  But way to rough it!  :/ 

Yeah, no roughing it for me, I went straight to fancy joke photo cake land with this one.
If I ever decide to eat bugs again in the future (highly unlikely) I'll go the sauteed route! Thanks for the tip! ;)

Now that's living up to your screen name!  Even if no cicadas were harmed.  Nice tie-in with the R&L footage!

Thanks! If/When cicadas do show up around my house, I'll be sure to make another video of me eating one of them. It probably won't be a skit, but I really want to eat a cicada. 

That was pretty clever!

When do the cicada's come to texas?

According to http://www.cicadamania.com/where.html the 17 year cicada's aren't due to emerge in Texas until 2015. You may however find a few stragglers which may emerge late or early.

There are also non-periodical cicadas (they don't stay in the ground for 17 years) in your area. According to google there are more than 40 types of cicadas in Texas. I ended up having to use
non-periodical cicadas because the 17 year ones aren't going to be around my area for a few years.

You could always give a call to a local university or college. If they have an entomology department they may be able to help you.

I just finished my entry today. This is about as close to a cicada as I ever want to get. I don't particularly like large bugs (they kinda freak me out).


     - -  Recipe Book ! Cicada-licious: cooking and enjoying periodical cicadas:

            the ultimate guide to cooking and eating cicadas. [Adobe Acrobat PDF]


     - -  National Geographic: National Geographic News :Low-Fat, High Protein Cicadas: New Health...


     - -  Stephanie Bailey's Internet insect cookbook has tips on how to prep...


     - -  Why not eat bugs? The rest of the world does.  





This is my response to the cicada challenge that I filmed with two of my best friends. They were actually really excited to have a reason (excuse) to eat bugs haha. Please enjoy!!!


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