
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Konrad H (Dybuk) had a really good idea!

Let's see how many languages we can list for the saying:


Once enough languages have been contributed, I'll probably compile them into a GOOD MYTHICAL MORNING banner similar to the WELCOME banner used to greet new members . . .

Only one rule - - ->


All submissions must come from a Kommunity member who is fluent in their respective "mother tongue".

  1. English - - Good Mythical Morning
  2. Polish - - Dobry Mityczny Poranek
  3. Swedish - - God Mytisk Morgon
  4. German - - Guten Mystischen Morgen
  5. Spanish - -  Buenos Míticos Días 
  6. Finnish - - Hyvää Myyttistä Aamua
  7. Hungarian - - Jó Mitikus Reggelt
  8. Turkish - - İyi Efsanevi Sabahlar
  9. Japanese - - Shinwa no Ohayou - -  神話 のおはよう
  10. Welsh - - Bore Chwedlonol Da
  11. Serbian - - Dobro Mitsko Jutro
  12. Persian - - بامداد افسانه مانند شما نیک باد
  13. Afrikaans - - Goeie Mitiese Môre 
  14. Arabic - - صباح الخير الاسطوري
  15. French - - Bonne Matinée Mythique!
  16. Portuguese - - Bom Dia Mítico!
  17. Ukrainian - - добрий міфічний ранок
  18. Filipino - - Magandang Mitolohikang Umaga!
  19. Irish - - Maidin Mhiotasach Mhaith
  20. Scottish - - Guid meith morn!
  21. Russian - - Доброе Мифическое Утро!
  22. Lithuanian - - Labo Mitinio Ryto!
  23. Dutch/Flemish - - Goede mythische morgen!
  24. Tamil - - நல்ல புராணகரமான காலை 
  25. Norwegian - - God mystisk morgen
  26. Chinese (simplified) - - 怪兽野兽的 早上好
  27. Slovenian - - Dobro Mitično Jutro
  28. Czech - - Dobré mýtické ráno
  29. Estonian - - Head Müütiline Hommikut!
  30. Greek - - Καλό Μυθικό Πρωί!
  31. Italian - - Buon mitico giorno
  32. Thai - - สวัสดี ยามเช้า ในตำนาน
  33. Telagu - - మంచి పౌరాణిక ఉదయం 
  34. Galician - - Bo mítico día!
  35. Belarusian - - добрае міфічная раніцу

Thank you all for your contributions!


Views: 1989

Replies to This Discussion

GREAT explanation.  Glad to learn a little something new every day.  THANKS!

Also going to forward the video link over to Alexis for her Rhett & Link Guest Appearances playlist.

Thank YOU very much! :) 

I want to translate GMM to my language - Tamil(FYI it is a South Indian Language), but should I have to translate the words literally to its counterparts in my language or use words that have similar meaning to the words in GMM and try to convey the same effect as saying it? 

Hope you can clarify. 

PS:- I am asking this because 'Mythical' in most cases means something related to some mythology. But, in the context of the show it means fictitious( I suppose). So I am confused if I have to use the word in my language that stands for 'something related to some mythology' or 'fictitious'.

@ VenkiPhy6 - - I believe that the highlighted definition below would be most appropriate, if your mother language has a different word for different meanings.



  1. existing only in a myth or myths: a mythical creature
  2. imaginary, fictitious, or not based on facts or scientific study
  3. mythic (sense )

Okay then...here you go....Good Mythical Morning in my mother tongue 'Tamil',  

நல்ல புராணகரமான காலை  

BTW sorry for the very late reply.

THANKS!  this makes the 25th entry thus far (counting the American sign language) and looking forward to adding as many as possible.

Lithuanian - Labo Mitinio Ryto! 

this is such a good idea btw

Een fabelachtige goede morgen! Dutch/Flemish

where is the MYTHICAL part? 


Yeah, I translated it quite freely, you could say this as well:

Goede, mythische morgen!

It's really starting to fill up now. 

How many more languages can we get before this KBE closes at end of year?

guten mystischen Morgen ^_^ German


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