
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

This is simply a compilation of some of my latest poems, in no particular order. I hope you guys enjoy 'em, and tell me what you think.



No More Excuses

"I'm doing great,
Haven't drank in weeks!"
Yet there you sit,
Looking pale and meek.

What are you doing?
You've done it again.
You're supposed to be my dad..
But you're not even my friend.

"Just one drink,
Then I'll go to bed."
You're lying, I know it,
That's always what's said.

Why're you doing this?
You're sobbing like a child.
I'm sitting here, angry,
But my words remain mild.

I'm sick of this happening,
You're acting like a fool.
You might as well just say "ugg",
While you sit there and drool.

You're not worthy of parenting,
You're asking MY advice?!
How about you act like an adult,
Surely that would suffice.

Such a simple word.
Yet so many meanings,
It's rather absurd.

Two years in the making,
A bond never to be broken.
Shattered by words
That went unspoken.

A single night,
A promise is made.
I wait and wait,
But you've hated me all day.

Betrayal is a word,
That is double sided.
You say I hurt you,
But I'm not sure what I did.

The transgressions of the few,
Surmount the sins of the many,
When a dollar's worth less,
Than a single rusted penny.

This is my life.
Worthless and torn.
And there lays my soul,
Mangled and worn..

Unknown Grief

Self-conscious, self-aware,
Yet so unclear of who you are.
Self-righteous, self-loathing,
They're nothing more than scars.

Don't listen to a word they say,
They don't understand you,
But please don't be mistaken,
What they don't get, I do.

I've been there,
I've lived through it.
I don't think you're any less,
Just because you feel like shit.

You're not just a girl,
You're the center of someone's world.
And if you were to leave, 
I would be the one left to grieve.


Awaiting Your Call

I've waited and waited,
For hours on end.
This has happened before.
How much time will I spend?

Did she purposely neglect me,
Or has she simply forgot?
She'll text me soon,
Or so I thought.

Why do I fret so,
About this girl?
We've only just met,
But she's a part of my world.

I miss you even now,
Tough I can't contemplate how.
You've got me enthralled,
Answering every beck and call.

And so I sit,
Getting not a blink of sleep,
Wondering if
You'll ever be mine to keep.

Beginning of a Lament

And so I lay,
Alone in thought,
Of what to do,
Just what I ought.

There's no right answer,
Nothing to judge,
But I can tell you this,
I shan't hold a grudge.

I may hurt deep inside,
I may not sleep, only cry,
But this is not one person's doing,
This is simply life.

Accept it as be
And you will live it beautifully,
But question it when it makes not sense,
And you may find true happiness.

Life is grim,
Not near an easy time,
But it's so much easier,
If you can just make it rhyme...

It Was For Her
You're sad and alone. 
Scared of the world, 
With no-one to turn to, 
They're already hurt. 

You beg, you plead, 
You cry for help, 
But in the end 
You're still in this hell. 

Don't believe it, my love, 
You've got it all wrong. 
I'll stand beside you, 
I'll keep you strong. 

There's no reason to cry,
You don't have to bleed.
Because in this world, 
You'll always have me. 

You're my guardian angel, 
The love of my life, 
You're MY Delilah, 
And one day my wife.

I try for a reason,
Things that can't be explained.
I need you here,
I can't ease this pain.

Please don't turn away from me,
I've so much to say,
But I've no time to say it,
At least not in the right way.

I need you to listen,
Or at least try
To understand what I'm saying,
Understand why.

Don't leave me,
Don't deceive me,
This is my plea.

Don't hate me,
Don't berate me,
Why can't you see?

I've no time left...
This is the end.
Know that I cared.
I never tried to pretend.

I've Waited
A young boy he was,
Just turned eighteen,
Left alone in this world,
A mysterious fate to meet.

He is the Stranger,
Known by all,
With a voice of the heavens,
Kin to a siren's call.

He wanders the Earth,
Singing his pleas,
Of the beauty of the skies,
And the majesty of the seas.

Though he sang
The wonders of his world,
There was but one mystery,
Who was this "girl?"

He sang of her love,
The way her eyes shone.
He wrote of their child,
And how he had grown.

Though there was one secret,
Which none could know.
A sorrow which the Stranger
Would never show.

His love had gone,
Left long ago.
He'd begged her to stay,
But she left him so.

As he played his songs,
Sang his love to the world,
He saw her there,
The most beautiful girl.

He spoke to her then,
A whisper not a song,
He said to this beautiful girl,
"I've waited so long.."

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