
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:            TBD - - - pending discussion of host and guests

Address:             TBD - - - Chicago, IL

Website:             TBD

Your Host:        seltay- Bennu-Tennin

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Sad news to report.

Hey everyone, I was the host last year and I was geared up to host again. But.... due to not knowing the date till these past few days I sadly can not do it. I have our big family vacation starting in the wee hours of that Saturday. I did look into starting late on our vacation, but no. FAMILY FIRST.

I emailed Gumbo informing this sad news.

Mythicon was wonderful last year and I had many plans this year.

Please I ask that you all search your hearts and someone or a few of you, step up and take the hosting position. This is a perfect time to meet those other mythical beasts that are potentially near by. Sing, talk and have a blast.

I am here to help in any way. Ask me, email me, smoke signals... whatever it takes.


(Ok maybe not smoke signals, I will most likely think it is a fire, like house fire etc...)

Travel safe & have fun.  Look forward to having you back in a MythiCon host position for the greater ChicagoLand area next year.

I hope to continue to grow in the kommunity. Anyone been on the fence? Maybe I can help them decide. ...

Hey Illinois people!

I am hoping that someone will step up. I am truly sad that I can not do it this year. I would love to do it , but I have family that needs a vacation.

If you are on the fence or scared, just shoot me an email. I am here and willing to talk to anyone about this. It does not need to be Chicago if you are nervous to do it there. There are lots of burbs that are close to it. 

Start talking Illinois beast maybe there are lots of you that are really close, never know till ya ask.


Very understandable!! Family vacations are priority!! A few of us are will to drive 3 hiurs to Chicago. We can bring crafts & games or snacks & drinks. Anyone willing to host or have a venue???

Ugh!!! I am trying everything I can to work this out. Sob story coming,,,, I was laid off last October and just finally found a new job in banking at the end of March. My schedule is MY SCHEDULE and to top it off, I am a relief CSR which means I should be ready to work at any branch in Southern Illinois at  moments notice. I would LOVE to host....my biggest fear is that I would be needed for some reason and would not be able to follow through. A couple girls at a branch 45 minutes away were in an ATV accident the weekend before last and I am finding that I am doin that commute for a while. I am need in three different citiies next week and am not sure about the following week. It all depends on circumstances.  I hate that I cannot commit to anything. This is so important to me. I was at the same profession for 21 total years and the new profession has me considerably restricted in my requests.

hey jayimie,

maybe next year we can do it together!?

this year seems to be a bit off for many in Illinois.

I am up for giving it a good try next year for sure!

I can't host but I still think I can make it! Also waddup Jaymie, I didn't know you lived close to Chicago! Anyways I want to go but I think we should try harder to get the word out. Only four weeks remain!

I think a good way is to blast your social media. 

Never know who is a mythical beast. Never know someone might just want to do it.

I really hope something works out for Chicago. I know there is quite a few amazing Beasts out there in IL!

I'm four hours south. But , I would be excited to try something. I will be more than a year into my new job and should be able to get more time off with enough notice.

A bargaining Chip!

I am more then willing to help anyone who thinks they would like to host. I will do as much as possible on my end.

However : I am also willing to do a belated Mythicon. This would be done in September of this very year. I will host and everything. Sadly it will not land on the very special Mythicon date. I will only do a belated mythicon if I have concrete confirms. 

I will:

Record the meeting.

Record W.O.M !

I will send in anything that you would like sent in.  (IE :key chain, letters.) Please understand that it is not seen being any more important coming from me. I am just willing to send it in for ya. One large bulk send in. 

Sing Alongs (cuz who does not know all the words to EVERY AWESOME SONG THEY WROTE!!!)

A card for everyone to sign. 

Ice breakers



I would bring small things of water and possibly foods. (this is a big maybe, so many restrictions these days. I know my son is allergic to peanuts.)

So guys if this date does not work out I will host a belated time. All invited just like right now.


It is lots of fun and interesting.

hugs to everyone and BYMB!



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