
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Deposit your favorite things from your local event here!

I will cobble together a poster with features from all of the different meet-ups. Might eventually send a copy in to the R&L Studios.

Below is a very rough first draft as this has just begun.

As you can see, I plan to include the profile pic or avatar of all the attendees if possible; so if you can help with identifying some of the folks in your pics that would be helpful.

Views: 1809

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I'm sorry your profile pic was left out . . . still trying to identify several folks from the various meet-ups.  You will be added on the next update version uploading soon.

If you (or anyone) know the identiy of others in the pics not yet credited, please leave a note in this thread.

I dont have any pictures, but we did have Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce. Maybe if you could get a picture of a bottle of it and put it on the MN side that would be cool. I didnt get any pics though. :/
WAIT :D I DO HAVE A PICTURE I JUST REMEMBERED THIS! We colored some of these and I think Lynnae sent then to R&L, and I brought home a few. This is an uncolored one so yay!
~Koppo Out!


Thanks, Koppo - - Corey's Coloring Page has now been added - - see latest edition above

I just realized that this one from MythiCon Minnesota 2014 had never been added to this thread . . . until NOW!


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