
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Shops of Grand River
Address:        6200 Grand River Blvd East, Leeds, AL 35094 (near Birmingham)

Website:        http://www.shopsofgrandriver.com/

Your Host:    Mary Lee J. (redheadedsparrow)

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Question: where will MythiCon 2014 be held in Birmingham, Alabama? I am making plans to go. 

@ Mary Lee J ~ a specific site has not yet been selected.  Last year, the AL Host and state captain was Emma H. H. (Draigercorn) but she has not yet replied to indicate whether she will be hosting or attending this year. 

If Emma does not host the Alabama event is that something you are interested in doing? 

If so please review the simple instructions at How to Become a MythiCon Meeting Site Host.

The meeting site last year was Colonial BrookwoodVillage but that remains open for discussion among the local attendees.


I'd love to host it if Emma can't. But since I'm only 13, I need to know, is there an age limit? I'd of course have to have my mom drive me there, so I'll ask her if I can.

Well, I'm pretty sure that K-La V. (LANDSHARK who conceived and founded the MythiCon last year would agree that your age has nothing to do with mythicality or the ability to host an event . . . so long as you are able, willing and supported by your parents . . . after all, you're gonna need a ride to the mall, right?

Of course! Again, I'd be glad to do this if Emma doesn't want to or isn't able. Just get back with me if you get any word from her. 

Ok. I say we meet just outside of Birmingham in Leeds, at Shops of Grand River. I don't know if y'all want to meet outside a certain outlet, or in the food court, or what. I'm up for it! Also, I need to know what kind of posters I need to bring. What do you think?

Is anyone even going to this thing besides me? Because I see no other responses... I've invited a few other mythical beasts to come, but no word from anybody yet. If you plan to go, people, I NEED you to comment on this reply!! Please and thank you,

    ..........Mary Lee

I would totally come to this!! just 4 hour drive and it would be worth it!

Posted in the wrong place ^^; I'm in.

I'm in! I don't live far from there :)

I would be down for that

Awesomesauce!! See y'all there!!


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