
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Some things to consider if you

are interested in hosting a local

MythiCon meet-up event


1. Be sure you can do it! 

Because many members of the RhettandLinKommunity are younger and unable to drive themselves, it is imperative that you discuss your ability to host a meeting at a regional mall with your parents before you commit to anything. There is really no cost involved other than travel and lunch, but if you can't get there you can't be a host.


2. One has but simply to ask . . .

once you've decided to take the lead, just register for a new meeting location at:

MythiCon 2017 - - - HOST A MEET-UP

3. Start your plans early and actively recruit local delegates from the area to attend your meet-up event.

Begin talking to your friends and mythical kommunity buddies in the area to build interest and so they can plan well ahead of the meeting date.  There will be much buzz about MythiCon in general as the date approaches, which means if you wait until the last moment your meeting might get lost in the shuffle of activity in those final days.


4. Pin down a meeting location.

The plan in year one was to hold the meeting sites down to one per state, except for those which were extremely large and would require several hours driving time to attend one central meeting.  This year, it may be more feasible for several local or regional meetings within a state depending on the interest and number of attendees who can and will travel.  But please don't quible about having one in North Dallas and another in South Dallas... if you can't travel a few miles across town then perhaps you just shouldn't go. 

Most of the meeting sites have historically been held at the food court of a reginal shopping mall . . . but be as creative as you like. Nobody says that a group of mythical beasts couldn't meet up at the Lincoln Memorial or beside one or more of the many Paul Bunyan statues across the USA.  Talk about it amongst yourselves on the various meet-up discussion pages and come up with a plan that accomodates the most members so nobody will be left out.


5. Make a sign, think of some fun things to do, get yourself (and a car load of buddies) to the meet-up site and enjoy being your mythical best!

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GUMBO's helpful tip of the day - - - >  HOW  TO  BUILD  A  CROWD

If you are hosting a MythiCon meet-up event, or assisting a host with invites, and don't know where to start for prospecting of attendees, here are a few suggestions:

  • Start with your own friends and acquaintances who you know are already R&L Fans. 
  • If you only have one friend, don't worry. A crowd of 2 is not too small.  Heck, even if nobody else shows up, you and a buddy could enjoy each other's company while reminiscing about your favorite R&L moments on a hot summer day at the mall food court.
  • Ask your friends to invite their friends . . . and make some new friends!
  • The Great American Road Trip group pages are a good place to search . . . look for the state discussions nearest your home.
  • For international beasts, start with some of the groups and discussions related to your homeland, such as Kanadians Eh! or Australia AND New Zealand!
  • Check out the International Mythical Beast Mapping Project found in the group Rhett&Link Fans International. . . click on the map link and pull up the interactive map at BatchGeo for a list of all the mythical beasts who have registered. 
  • Search the kommunity member base for others in your area.  Just go to the MEMBERS tab and use the ADVANCED SEARCH tool to look for your state, province or country. Would it suprise you to find out you're not the only mythical beast living in Delaware?

#LunchWithTheToppingFamily ... Join the Mythical epic lunch army... recruit Rhett and Link, and you'll win a big prize! Tweet with the # tag, and we'll get them to come in 2014... you can do it! Help us help them, help them!


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