It's late, I've neglected this group a bit, and I thought there should be another discussion. This thought popped into my head and I thought I would ask your take on this.
How has the music either your parents or others listened to while you were growing up affected your life? Are you a music junkie, or do you just enjoy listening to your favorite band once in a while? I thought it would be an interesting discussion, I would really like to know these kinds of things interest me.
I myself was raised on mainly 90's alternative rock (Weezer, Nirvana, etc) classic pop rock in the form of Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, Buddy Holly, and The Beatles, as well as the Punk music of The Ramone's and early Green Day. My dad is an avid music fan resulting in us always listening to music, we never had pop records in our home such as Michael Jackson, rather we would have bands like Cheap Trick, The Cars, Stone Temple Pilots, Squeeze, and The Ramone's.
As a result of being exposed to a lot of alt rock as a kid I am still a huge fan of 90's rock, my 5 favorite bands are Weezer, The Ramone's, The Foo Fighters, Nirvana and Green Day. Being exposed to so much music has made it my favorite subject, I love learning the histories of bands and even seeing how they write and record their songs. I have yet been to a concert but I hope I may come across some kind of career involving music, I'm a bit obsessed.
How about you?