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What are some social stigmas associated with mental illnesses?

Here is a list of some mental illnesses and disorders. What do you think are most common? What does it mean to be "normal" or "crazy"? Which one makes you an outcast? What personal biases do you or the general population hold against persons with ______?


Manic/Depressive Disorder (Bipolar)


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Panic Disorder

Eating Disorders


What do you know about these? Can you think of or research any more? 

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I know I have a rare condition called Misophonia.  It is very rare and little is known about it so there is no cure or treatment.  People dont understand it and think im crazy.  They also will try to use it to their advantage.

:( That sucks, I'm very sorry to hear that. 

They all are their own special sort of hell I think.  People with depression are thought to be lazy, people with anxiety are thought to be over-reactors, people think PTSD is something only soldiers get... I could go on and on. A large portion of society doesn't take mental illnesses seriously, because outwardly people don't appear to be ill. Its very frustrating.


I have existential death anxiety and I used to be plagued with depression. 

I just got diagnosed with depression and I have OCD.

You know the social stigmas in today's society are there because people don't take the time to learn about illnesses. I sometimes wonder if creating a class for elementary aged students where they would learn about menta illness and acceptance as part of their health education would make a bigger difference.

I have a service dog for my mental illnesses and I am continually amazed at the lack of tact people have when they approach me and Millie (my service dog) in public. I try to tackle the stigmas by being open about my illnesses to people who are in my life but I don't want to discuss it with everyone. I also try to combat the issue of people approaching us in public with educating them about Service Dogs. Sorry I am rambling I am dealing with insomnia today.


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