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General discussions about the episodes as they are released.

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Sooooooo..... Locke's body has been inhabited by the smoke monster! Who saw that one coming? My cousin did, actually (sheesh), but I'll be darned if I did. And the gray powder around Jacob's cabin is magic stuff that keeps it away! Doesn't protect you from falling rocks however... So it appears that this chap (the monster -- whatever his name might be. Esau perhaps?) and Jacob have been in a struggle for control of the island for ages. God vs. the devil. But the devil wants to go "home"? Does that mean that he's imprisoned on the island and wants to escape? How in Jacob's name are they going to answer all this in one season???
Ya im lost too! lol The thing is..... the whole on the plane thing is either what WOULD have happened if they landed the plane.. or it IS a parallel universe..... Um Locke i cant believe he is actually DEAD! Like DEAD dead! I wonder if he is going to come back to life...! I kinda knew that the smoke monster was disquised as Locke before... um...... now whats weird... Juliet tried to tell sawyer before she died "It worked" WHAT WORKED?! miles did he miss something? what worked! ya the temple people they are more others i guess and trying to keep out the monster but now jacob can jacob really die? and sayid comming back to life i knew that would happen one way or the other lol they just couldnt kill him off that water stuf took time to take effect i guess lol
Yeah I think Locke is going to be resurrected... And I have no clue about the island being under the ocean -- very very strange. It must be a parallel reality, or something like that. A "what might have happened"? OR is it the future? Because I'm sure what Juliet meant is that the bomb worked, and they really did undo things. Though how she would know that I can't imagine. And why they're still on the island. Tomorrow maybe we'll get some more answers (we'd better)!

Esther Joy said:
Ya im lost too! lol The thing is..... the whole on the plane thing is either what WOULD have happened if they landed the plane.. or it IS a parallel universe..... Um Locke i cant believe he is actually DEAD! Like DEAD dead! I wonder if he is going to come back to life...! I kinda knew that the smoke monster was disquised as Locke before... um...... now whats weird... Juliet tried to tell sawyer before she died "It worked" WHAT WORKED?! miles did he miss something? what worked! ya the temple people they are more others i guess and trying to keep out the monster but now jacob can jacob really die? and sayid comming back to life i knew that would happen one way or the other lol they just couldnt kill him off that water stuf took time to take effect i guess lol
ITS NEVER NEXT WEEK WITH THIS SHOW! lol it takes 3 or 4 weeks to answer new question or longer! lol I dont think there is any "darkness" though or if there is i think its not necesarily "darkness" and WHAT HAPPEND WITH their father (clair and jack's that is) What does he have to do with all this why does he know so much and what did he do or say to clair to get her to stick around with him.. last we knew she was not to cool with her father

Taylor Hartley (the Kraken) said:
CLAAAAAAAAAAIRRRRRREE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really curious to find out what Claire has gone through and what this darkness is that will take over Sayid and if Jack will give him the medicine. And also, what's going to happen with the whole love triangle thing of Kate, Jack, and Sawyer. That's it till next week!!
So in the latest episode Sayid just got healed by the dirty water and he's infected and everything that he was is going to be replaced by something evil or whatever, they that's what happened to claire. But why did claire need to be healed? Did she get attacked and then they had to take her away? Why did they leave Arin behind? Did anyone else notice that Ethan was the one in the hospital in the parallel universe. Why would he want the baby? I thought that the only reason they wanted the baby was because Claire had it on the island and pergnant people didnt last long there. Why would Psycic who gave Claire to get on the plane set up adoptive parents if he knew the plane would crash, but it didn't because the island is in the water. Why was she on the plane then? Was the water in the temple not clear because Jacob is dead? I'm so glad that Claire is back. I dont think Lock will be ressurected but he'll live on in the paralell universe, and maybe later on the two universes will merge or something else like that. I wish that this wasn't the final season. I'm not ready for it to end.
Well, questions are definitely being answered. It's just a question of will they have enough time to answer them all? I'm thinking not. There's still so many left... But now at least, we know:

Questions Answered

#1. What happened to Claire -- she got "possessed" somehow.
#2. What the "infection" is -- a "darkness" that enters and possesses people on the island.
#3. More or less who Jacob and the smokeman are -- Jacob is "God", the smokeman is the devil, who appears to be imprisoned on the island, and is looking for a way to escape.
#4. What the gray stuff around the cabin is -- Jacob's ashes. I theorize that Jacob is like the pheonix; he dies over and over and each time is resurrected as a boy.
#5. Partially what the numbers are -- each one is associated with one of the losties. Smokeman says that they are "candidates" to become protectors of the island. I'm not so sure about that...
#6. What was in the guitar case.

Can anyone think of any others? I would add that the "moral of the story" seems to be starting to be revealed. I believe that the scenes of the characters back in the normal world are future flashes of what their lives will be like at the end of the story. All along they have been struggling with obsessions -- Don't tell me what I can't do! (which is what the devil says to baby Jacob) -- and once they give up and accept who they are, their lives are happier for it.
I know what you mean! And I agree, lots of questions about Claire and Aaron still to be answered... I don't understand what Ethan's up to either -- if he's up to anything -- but I love Ben as the history teacher! XD

Julia Morse(The Flying Penguin) said:
So in the latest episode Sayid just got healed by the dirty water and he's infected and everything that he was is going to be replaced by something evil or whatever, they that's what happened to claire. But why did claire need to be healed? Did she get attacked and then they had to take her away? Why did they leave Arin behind? Did anyone else notice that Ethan was the one in the hospital in the parallel universe. Why would he want the baby? I thought that the only reason they wanted the baby was because Claire had it on the island and pergnant people didnt last long there. Why would Psycic who gave Claire to get on the plane set up adoptive parents if he knew the plane would crash, but it didn't because the island is in the water. Why was she on the plane then? Was the water in the temple not clear because Jacob is dead? I'm so glad that Claire is back. I dont think Lock will be ressurected but he'll live on in the paralell universe, and maybe later on the two universes will merge or something else like that. I wish that this wasn't the final season. I'm not ready for it to end.
did anyone notice that # 51 was assigned to Kate on the lighthouse wheel. Her name also wasnt crossed off. I also dont think that any of this is "good" or "bad." Lost has always been about opposing sides neither one necessarily better. black vs. white. Two sides balancing out each other, (balance in the cave), dharma yin/yang. Now we all assume that jacob is the side to root for, and I am on that bandwagon. But here is some food for thought. Jacob is not a big fan of free will, while Fake locke is. jacob has manipulated and pushed the losties into the direction he wanted them to go. We all know that the christian god is a fan of free will. More importantly the lost writers are fans of free will, via changing variables to change the future/alternate universe. That makes me reconsider the side to root for. So it wouldnt surprise me if soon we change our views of who to stand behind. Just a few of my current thoughts on lost.
These stories are always good vrs evil Jacob Lost seems to be a story like you said their is no good side their is no bad side you really dont know what side to choose! You just want every one to be happy. I do however think if any thing Jacob represents "God" and Smokemonster "Devil" but as far as the whole free will thing.... Both the smokemonster AND jacob have "manipulated" people to do what they want the monster talking about free will all the time is what lures them in! its nothing but a hoax

NCSUBunyip said:
did anyone notice that # 51 was assigned to Kate on the lighthouse wheel. Her name also wasnt crossed off. I also dont think that any of this is "good" or "bad." Lost has always been about opposing sides neither one necessarily better. black vs. white. Two sides balancing out each other, (balance in the cave), dharma yin/yang. Now we all assume that jacob is the side to root for, and I am on that bandwagon. But here is some food for thought. Jacob is not a big fan of free will, while Fake locke is. jacob has manipulated and pushed the losties into the direction he wanted them to go. We all know that the christian god is a fan of free will. More importantly the lost writers are fans of free will, via changing variables to change the future/alternate universe. That makes me reconsider the side to root for. So it wouldnt surprise me if soon we change our views of who to stand behind. Just a few of my current thoughts on lost.
Interesting thoughts. I too have considered the possibility that maybe Jacob isn't all he seems to be, especially based on the fact that he is "apparently" responsible for bringing them to the island in the first place. At this point however, I think it really is good vs. evil, even though it's not yet clear what events Jacob is responsible for, and what things he isn't. I think that's going to become clearer soon though (I hope XD). Consider the last episode for instance. Jacob is apparently trying to get Jack to do something, and yet he wants him to decide to do it for himself. Smokeman however is much more opinionated about what he wants, and what he wants people to do for him (Ben, Sawyer, and now Claire it would seem).

NCSUBunyip said:
did anyone notice that # 51 was assigned to Kate on the lighthouse wheel. Her name also wasnt crossed off. I also dont think that any of this is "good" or "bad." Lost has always been about opposing sides neither one necessarily better. black vs. white. Two sides balancing out each other, (balance in the cave), dharma yin/yang. Now we all assume that jacob is the side to root for, and I am on that bandwagon. But here is some food for thought. Jacob is not a big fan of free will, while Fake locke is. jacob has manipulated and pushed the losties into the direction he wanted them to go. We all know that the christian god is a fan of free will. More importantly the lost writers are fans of free will, via changing variables to change the future/alternate universe. That makes me reconsider the side to root for. So it wouldnt surprise me if soon we change our views of who to stand behind. Just a few of my current thoughts on lost.
All right. So the island is the cork in the mouth of Hell. The Smokemonster is indeed the Devil, but Jacob appears to be just a man. A man with the ability to grant unending life... Apparently a man who has been sent to hold the Devil at bay. So my question is -- who was the golden haired boy that Smokeman saw in the jungle in the episode with the recruitment of Sawyer? I had thought a young resurrected Jacob, but if the "candidates" are supposed to take his place...


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