
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Where did you perform?
What did you do?
Were you nervous?

Release your inner monologue and tell us about your performing experience. 

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What have i done? ALOT, ranging from Theater to Music!
Preformed on alot of different stages, and i tell you, that you are always alittle nervouse before every show.
True that. I find when you're not nervous, you've done something wrong.

Chris Johansson (Skoll) said:
What have i done? ALOT, ranging from Theater to Music!
Preformed on alot of different stages, and i tell you, that you are always alittle nervouse before every show.
i've been in at least 2 choir a year since i was about 9 (school choir + other) so i've performed ALOT. but the biggest and best thing i did was with the BC boy's choir when we went to italy holland and france. that was so much fun, but the most nervous i had been in my life was when i was in the Vancouver opera company's Macbeth. all i had to do was walk across the stage in a line with 6 other boys while carring a crown (being one of the 7 future kings of scotland) but had to show 0 emotion and we were wearing long grey robes. i thought i'd either trip, or start laughing (because i had a booming tenor sing-yelling at me). luckily i didn't, it was alot of fun.
Sounds awesome!

alex (quantizistor) said:
i've been in at least 2 choir a year since i was about 9 (school choir + other) so i've performed ALOT. but the biggest and best thing i did was with the BC boy's choir when we went to italy holland and france. that was so much fun, but the most nervous i had been in my life was when i was in the Vancouver opera company's Macbeth. all i had to do was walk across the stage in a line with 6 other boys while carring a crown (being one of the 7 future kings of scotland) but had to show 0 emotion and we were wearing long grey robes. i thought i'd either trip, or start laughing (because i had a booming tenor sing-yelling at me). luckily i didn't, it was alot of fun.
I'm a performer.

I currently work in the entertainment industry at Universal Studios Orlando.

I am currently contracted with the Orlando Repertory Theatre to be in their production of The Giver.

I also perform weekly in my own two-man variety show downtown.
What are you up to now? That sounds cool.
So, as a high school student I don't always have the most flexible schedule, but I've been performing since I was a kid, anyway. I've done chorus and choirs my whole life, and am currently a member of both the Select Women's and Select Vocal Ensemble of the amazing W.T. Woodson Chorus, and am off for District Chorus rehearsal [third year in a row, before that did All State for middle school] tonight! I also act, from school stuff [including the choral program's annual Broadway revue], to camps, classes, and ITS conference, to community theater [Providence Players, Young Hearts, and Montgomery College in Rockville, MD], and am waiting for the cast list of David and Lisa [our school's next straight play] to go up tomorrow. I'm hoping to be one of the few people to do all 8 performances by the drama department at my school - 5 down, 3 to go!

The five:
Fiddler on the Roof [Ensemble/Dancer]
Brave New World [Epsilon/Indian]
Footloose [Jeter (yep, the role was turned tomboy)]
Wedding From Hell [wrote the clue hunt, played the assistant wedding planner]
Seussical [Bird Girl]

Most recently I was in a quartet singing the Facebook song [no, not the Rhett & Link version] from Edges in the choral department's Broadway revue in January, before that Seussical, and over the summer a European tour with my chorus [Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France].

But, hell, I feel like I'm just trying to show off some resume, when all that matters is that I love to perform. =]
I love Seussical. I love that song from Edges.

Congrats! You sound busy!

Turner Konigsberg said:
So, as a high school student I don't always have the most flexible schedule, but I've been performing since I was a kid, anyway. I've done chorus and choirs my whole life, and am currently a member of both the Select Women's and Select Vocal Ensemble of the amazing W.T. Woodson Chorus, and am off for District Chorus rehearsal [third year in a row, before that did All State for middle school] tonight! I also act, from school stuff [including the choral program's annual Broadway revue], to camps, classes, and ITS conference, to community theater [Providence Players, Young Hearts, and Montgomery College in Rockville, MD], and am waiting for the cast list of David and Lisa [our school's next straight play] to go up tomorrow. I'm hoping to be one of the few people to do all 8 performances by the drama department at my school - 5 down, 3 to go!

The five:
Fiddler on the Roof [Ensemble/Dancer]
Brave New World [Epsilon/Indian]
Footloose [Jeter (yep, the role was turned tomboy)]
Wedding From Hell [wrote the clue hunt, played the assistant wedding planner]
Seussical [Bird Girl]

Most recently I was in a quartet singing the Facebook song [no, not the Rhett & Link version] from Edges in the choral department's Broadway revue in January, before that Seussical, and over the summer a European tour with my chorus [Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France].

But, hell, I feel like I'm just trying to show off some resume, when all that matters is that I love to perform. =]
And an update - got Sandra in David & Lisa, so another performance is in the works ^^
And getting cast in this song let me discover the greatness that is Pasek and Paul!

Daniel Collins (Gryphidragicorn) said:
I love Seussical. I love that song from Edges.

Congrats! You sound busy!

Congrats on your role! It is always exciting to get offers!

Turner Konigsberg said:
And an update - got Sandra in David & Lisa, so another performance is in the works ^^
And getting cast in this song let me discover the greatness that is Pasek and Paul!

Daniel Collins (Gryphidragicorn) said:
I love Seussical. I love that song from Edges.

Congrats! You sound busy!

well considering its july and the last post was in february i feel like i missed the discussion, but if not ive performed quite a lot! when i was younger i always did chorus and did those concerts every year but that wasnt anything, especially cuz i hated to sing, but i've danced since i was about 3 and have performed ever since. i have a recital every year and still im always a little nervous before shows but its the good kind of nervous. ive performed at a local college and it sells out every year so its like a few thousand people watching and its a little nerve wracking. yeah and you guys are right. if your not nervous something is wrong. im also a musician i play the guitar but tend to not perform for anyone. so thats my story, my fellow mythical beasts :)
I absolutely Love choir and Musical theater at my school! I'm really active in both! So far we've performed the Wizard of Oz and Sweet Charity which I got the understudy for the lead in as a sophomore :) I was both shocked because kinda young and really excited! I can't wait to see what next year will bring for me and I just wanna get started already! And with Choir, I'm in concert choir and I made the jazz group for next year! And I'm very excited for that too!


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