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Who else is from Texas?

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gig em :) any aggies? not AT texas a&m but going there in the future :)



i belive carl's is the ONLY bbq in texas thatsa worthy :)

Mary Q (Umbralagus) said:

I was born in CA while my dad was stationed there, though his (my folks') permanent residence was always San Antonio. ;)  So yes I count as 100% TEXAN and I've been here all my life.


DEAD BOVINE!!!   THE ONLY BBQ!!!!!!!!!!   lol

A young Texan right here. Born here, mom and dad born in Nashville and Spain, respectively. I'm glad I live in The Colony, because Botcon was in Dallas this year.


Where the sky is so blue!

We are awesome, us Texans.

hey beasts, i'm trying to put together a big mythical meetup in every state (more info here http://rhettandlinkommunity.com/forum/topics/mythicon?xg_source=act...)
we need some beasts from this state to represent :D

Hello everyone from good ole Houston......Hope all is well 

Hello guys! I am a Texan born and raised in New Braunfels. Anyone else in my area?

March 15, 2014 - - - as part of the GART clean-up project, the following duplicate discussion threads on this state have been consolidated here (the original and most active state thread) and then closed or deleted.


Texas: ya'll yee-hah

Posted by hayden (unicrowpig) zaiser on June 24, 2010 at 1:58am

neither of those phrases have EVER come across me in texas so be careful you NORTHERNERS with your fancy suits and breifcases i wear a white t-shirt and blue jeans and carry an axe all day excepct for lunch of course but me and my son love your videos R&L keep it up now ya here, and yes i am a lumberjack who is also a graphic designer.

Posted by Addisyn Chafe'(The Stachemaster) on April 7, 2012 at 2:30pm

if you want to be sweating during december, come here.


Reply by Julian Edwards (Shishi) on April 7, 2012 at 2:57pm

Lol, that is such a lie.


Besides, it's not even that hot during summer. Just drink water, don't go out too long and go in shade.

Lol, I moved to Texas from Wisconsin and I thought it was bearable....

Go Austin!


Reply by Cason Asher (Hippogriff) on November 3, 2013 at 11:28pm

Try living in Breckenridge, Texas. The average temp here was 96 degrees this summer, with a high of 107! And we only got 4 inches of rain between Nov 3, 2012 and Nov 3, 2013. It is nothing but dust here! HOT and DRY constantly. If you are interested where I got these stats from, I got them here: http://www.wunderground.com/history/


Reply by Tucker A Marberry (TheGreatKiwi) on May 30, 2012 at 5:53pm

LUBBOCK!!! I miss it there :'( I am and always will be a Texan... even though the Navy wants me to live in Maryland.Texas! the lone star state!!!!!!!!

Posted by Allyson little on July 22, 2012 at 5:46pm

all six flags flew and have flown proudly.


Reply by Trey Adkins (Shizayzel) on July 30, 2012 at 7:42pm

Awesome! Which part are you from? I'm from San Antonio! :)


Posted by Isabel (Alicanto) on January 23, 2013 at 5:33pm

New to Rhett and Link Kommunity!


Reply by Josh Hoke on February 25, 2013 at 3:56am

Same here!


Reply by Jordan Smith (The Kraken) on February 27, 2013 at 12:27am

Longview, TX 75604


Posted by Connor (Rainbow Adipose) on December 14, 2013 at 3:17pm

Pretty much hot all year. No snow during Winter. Just...Cold rain.



I've lived in Temple Texas since the day I was born. So 20 years, give or take.

Born and raised in the Lone Star State

I live in Plano! I absolutely love being born and raised in Texas. My grandparents from both sides live in small towns where the stars are beautiful 


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