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What's your favorite program to use and what do you primarily use it for? It seems like there's an entire WORLD of graphic design programs and uses-considering its becoming one of the fastest growing jobs out there. (or so I believe)

So what's your forte'?

And just for fun because I know a majority of graphic artists get into fonts-anyone have pet peeves or particular font that just makes your happy meter inside bubble with joy?

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I just use GIMP... because it's free. It works pretty well for most things.

If I had money, I would buy Photoshop. I've loved working with it every now and again. It's just really expensive.

And of course, we have to mention Comic Sans! The end-all of horrible fonts, right?
thank you fridgecrisis. You've hit the nail on the metaphorical font head. Good to know it doesn't just eat at the center of my soul but others as well. How about Monotype Corsivia and its bleh ways? XD

I've worked with the Adobe series at school a lot through my yearbook class and have REALLY grown to love it (even if I can't afford it and have to wait three months to use it when summers in session haha) but I more than make up for it by living in the bloody lab.
I always just use GIMP. Never really worked with Photoshop. Mostly because I'm short on cash. GIMP has worked well enough for what I use it for so far.
I love Illustrator and Photoshop...I'm leaning more towards the amazingness of programs like After Effects though...Motion graphics is where it's at now...
I would LOVE to get into Motion Graphics. Its slightly intimidating I'm not gonna lie. hehe. So are you talking just like motion icons? What kind of things can you do with After Effects?
I'm using the CS4 package in all it's glory. Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator are my favourites...
Well, I was educated as a Designer with these programs and I it's hard to work yourself into a new program if you know other ones perfectly... But I did used GIMP for a while.

Fonts...Let's see... (*browsing through the font-collection*) Party LET!!!
It's a very funny font and makes me smile everytime I'm able to use it!
To be honest when it comes to creating my comic strips I am very old school... all the actual art I do is done the old fashioned way... ink covered pencils on paper... even my lettering! When I occasionally use the computer, I use photoshop to color or clean up the b&w linework so it can be used online. As far as "fonts" go, i paid good money to learn how to letter by hand by an industry legend so that's how I'm gonna do things, by gum! (old school!)
That's so cool! Old School is an uber useful talent. Can you draw fonts you see by hand as well or are you mainly a comic font kind of guy?

Corey Kramer said:
To be honest when it comes to creating my comic strips I am very old school... all the actual art I do is done the old fashioned way... ink covered pencils on paper... even my lettering! When I occasionally use the computer, I use photoshop to color or clean up the b&w linework so it can be used online. As far as "fonts" go, i paid good money to learn how to letter by hand by an industry legend so that's how I'm gonna do things, by gum! (old school!)
I'm a loyal Photoshopper, who's been around since about 7,0. I held on to that version and refused to get another one for several years. I managed to tear away from it, though, and nowadays CS3 extended is love child. I will not change it until I'll be able to use Photoshop inside my brain.
However, traditional art will always be king. Then I use pen and paper. (Noo waaay?!)

Interesting little story, that was.
hmmm tough question (for me at least lol)
i actually use Corel Painter Essentials 3 and Photoshop together because both have there advantages and disadvantages....but out of those two my favorite program is Corel Painter because it's great for illustrations :)
well im staring to use gimp, i've fiddled around with it and Photoshop some.
Paint.net is what I prefer. It's free, yet it works a lot like Photoshop. I've worked a bit with Gimp too. I really just stick with my sketch book the most though ^_^


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