
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

In homage to one of the greatest cartoon collections of all time . . . 27 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list . . . 101 Uses for a Dead Cat  by Simon Bond is a bestselling collection of macabre cartoons depicting the bodies of dead cats being used for various purposes, including pin cushion, boat anchors, sharpening pencils and holding bottles of wine.. The book was promoted with the tag line, 

Since time immemorial mankind has been

plagued by the question,

"What do you do with a dead cat?"


So . . . what other uses can you find for a Chia Lincoln

that just won't grow hairy sprouts like it should?




Get the poster here:  101 Uses Poster.JPG

and here is a clear, high resolution Chia Lincoln for all

you budding photoshoppers out there:


Views: 2876

Replies to This Discussion

#68 and #69 coming right up . . . I hope you don't mind that I turned it into a candied bacon holder, jsut because that's way more yummy.


#68 ~ Bacon Holder

#69 ~ Trailer Hitch

Ash tray

#70 ~ Ashtray



Just a little status update here:

Started: February 8th, 2011

Current: June 20th, 2013

Number of days active: 864

Current number of uses: 63

Average uses per day: 0.07292

Projected days until 101 uses: 521.11903

Projected completion date: November 23rd, 2014

The traffic flow of ideas has escalated.  You may need to adjust your initial projection.

(fingers crossed & knocking wood)


  (did you see what I did there?)


I did also think of the Lincsaber quite a while ago, but by that time had decided to stop making only my own and solicit other MB's for input to this topic as a KBE.  Well Done!


P.S. I particularly liked the red dot power button in the center of the forehead.  One would expect to turn it over and find a "MADE  IN  INDIA" label on the base.

A children's makeup doll head like so

(my wonderful ms paint skills)

#71 ~ Make-up Doll  has hit the list.  Thanks

how about a mannequin head?

#72 ~ Mannequin Head


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