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Well, Rhett has spoken a lot lately of suspected "yard children" all in fun. He mentioned in an answer that "you should do what the other guy did and start a twitter account." Link asked him how that was going in Good Mythical More, and he spoke of DMs of fatherly advice. I guess I can tell you from personal experience that Walter McLaughlin, the little boy left on a plane for being too noisy, has not received any fatherly advice from Rhett via DM. This, of course, was a parody account I created and I thought it was fun that it was mentioned. I might tweet a few things out on Father's Day and then leave it dormant until I feel the need for it to appear again. I will also mention that "Walter" has tweeted the official account, Rhett, Link and all of the crew and was civil to all, but somehow managed to get blocked by Alex Punch. As far as I know, he has not blocked other parodies, for example, Craig the Snake, Rhett's Mug, Link's mug, and some sort of Rhett and Link Cheese twitter profile I still don't understand. Of course, the trouble a "yard child" might cause is a tad different than that of a mug. All in good fun. I will keep you posted if fatherly advice is shared to Walter.

OHHH so it's you!! I would've never guessed you were the one who made the Walter account! XD Also, is the cheese twitter profile you're referring to called 'TheCheeseCult"? Because I created that one :P I saw a comment on the 'name that cheese' gmm episode that said "Who wants to join the cheese cult" or something like that and it had a lot of replies of people saying they wanted to join. No one was actually making a forum/group thing on any social media platform so I decided to make one for fun. Honestly, I don't even know what the heck it is either but I'll only tweet using that account if cheese is mentioned on a gmm episode. (It was supposed be a cheese cult thing which you could only join if you completed the initiation but no one did that because I guess it seemed a little weird and maybe even stupid so I'll just use that account once in a blue moon...once in a blueCHEESE moon...That joke was terrible XP)

If I am thinking right, the "cheese cult" reference is from the bit that they did on December 17th in the episode called "Testing the Facekini" in which they are talking about my answer to the traveling advice question. The one where Rhett and Link said I had never had to sit next to someone that was the leader of a cheese cult and I was the greatest traveler in the world. Unless they spoke of it again in another episode, but yeah, that was the account I was talking about I think.

Really loved this episode! It was cool to see pictures of some of the crew's parents. Chase's dad was a good sport! Link does look a lot like his dad, especially with the mustache. (Viva la mustache.) I never would have thought that was Rhett's dad! I guessed Johnny Depp's right away! I'm really excited about the Key Ring of Mythically! The Museum was really cool and unique! 


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