I'm probably the only one that felt like the guys were a little "off" when filming today's episode. Maybe it was filmed on a Monday. I went to MORE looking for a bit more life in it, and felt as if I was sitting in a waiting room with them and just over hearing a conversation between two guys talking about going to the DMV, or buying art that won't fit in their houses. Don't get me wrong, I support everything they do and I know they work hard and no matter what someone does for a living you have good and bad days. It just been a long time since I've sensed boredom or preoccupation in their delivery. Someone set me straight. Please.
In reflection.....it could be me. I could be a little "off" today. I do catch the Snapchats on YouTube but they are weeks behind sometimes in order to get enough content to post, I guess. I mean, I loved that short video posted to FB yesterday. I guess what I'm trying to say, is I rarely see them like I perceived them today except for behind the scenes or home videos. A small part of me gets a tad worried about them if I feel something is wrong, or they are tired, preoccupied, overworked etc. Maybe I'm getting too deep and have too much invested emotionally and just am not interested in optical illusions and it's just MY problem. Hehe! Thanks, Selena for putting it in perspective.