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Perhaps it's just that the folks who constantly play soothing, touchy-feely music or classical music for their plants and read or talk to them on a regular basis are just more attentive (water, fertilizer, weeding, etc.) than those folks who play hard rock music in general. 

I think this causes great concern and distress to the poor little plants who are in fear that they will not be properly cared for by their heaby metal caretakers.

If you were a pot of petunias, who would you trust your well being to?

I happen to know a certain someone who listens to hard music and is pretty good at raising plants!

Granted, I don't think those plants have had a set of speakers playing The Chariot next to them for the most part, but still...



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I was really thrown off at first, and wasn't sure whether I liked it after 4 seasons of the old one. But then they said the jingle was written by Pomplamoose and I forgave them. :P (I've been greatly enjoying their music since the Ear Biscuit with them.) I didn't realize the Season 2-5 jingle was still from the Royalty Free Music Library, so as much as the change will take some getting used to, it *is* pretty sweet that they have an exclusive jingle now! I get what Rhett was saying about it being weird to hear "their" jingle used elsewhere; I think I heard the Season 1 intro or wheel intro used as background music in some other video and it was unsettling. Kind of surprising it took them this long to get their own, though!

After listening to it a few times, I think I'll come to like the new intro and outro just as much as the old. Something about parts of the tune or the sound of it remind me of the old one.  Same with the animation; I liked the old one but it's neat that they're featuring another artist for the intro this season (I was pretty proud of myself for recognizing it as done by "the guys who did The Mythical Show intro").

I really like the new one, but the old *ding ding ding ding diiiing* one

And even older *Ba ba baaaaaaaa* one

And the even older *ba-da ba-da duh ba-da da-da  ding* one

Will always be remembered.

I definitely like that they have an original jingle now! It doesn't seem too far off from the previous one, to my ear, so that wasn't all that jarring to me.

The stop-motion style, though...that still feels weird. After seeing the sleek style of the drawn ("drawn") cockatrice for so long, it's a bit bizarre to see it with textured feathers now...

I'd like to take part in the GMM plant experiment, but I already know my plants would not survive the season. It's not that I'm unable to care for plants, it's the fact that my cats have an unnatural hatred for plants... Okay, it's not hatred exactly, they just try to eat enough of the plants to kill it.

I don't think I'll take part in the plant experiment, if anything I would just not water them and see which one lives longer.  But I thought it might be fun to try it with animals.  Might as well put some of our useless and idiotic cats to use.  Maybe the one who watches GMM will start doing something that might possibly make me like cats, or it might sprout wings.

you're not gonna let the lil animals die are you ?!

I was also thinking about taking part in the plant experiment but I am just not good with plants. I'll take care of them for a little bit and then forget about them. I've tried before. I have plants and flowers in the front of my house that I do nothing with. Thank goodness mother nature is there because they would all be dead. I kinda let them grow however they want and they have kinda taken over. I also have two cats so having plants inside is bad because they will chew on them.  :P

Now as for the new intro...it's awesome! I was shocked a little at first but I really do like it. :)

One more little item that I noticed during today's GMMore . . .

Check out the Wheel of Mythicality topic just two spaces to the right where it reads:



Pure coincidence or a prophecy of things to come?  hmmmm?


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