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1) Why you hate your mother.

Save it for your analyst, not for the woman or man you are trying to woo.

2) Any physical aberrations.

First dates are not the time to say, "Hey, I have six toes on my left foot" or "I have a third nipple." Though that may pique a person's interest for a look-see, it will automatically label you as "extra-toe chick" or "weird nipple guy" before the person even gets to know the real you.

3) The number of people you slept with or haven't slept with.

This will either make you look like a) a whore, b) a prude, and/or c) desperate.

4) The amount of money you make or don't make.

This will make you look like either a show-off or a complainer. Keep your finances to yourself for a while. It's nobody's business but yours, your accountants--if you have one, and the IRS.

5) Favorite porn magazines or movies.

If One Night in Paris was the best movie you ever saw, no one needs to know. The reason should be self-evident.

6) Your biggest celebrity crush.

No female will ever feel as attractive (or curvy) as Pamela Anderson. Don't inadvertently put down your date by saying you've always had the hots for some hyper-plastic celebrity. A mere mortal will feel, "If that's the type of people he goes for, I don't have a chance."

7) Calculus, physics, or cold fusion

--unless of course you both are mathematicians, scientists or computer engineers. Talking about "smart" things won't necessarily make the look smart. It could make your date think you are a) a nerd, b) a geek, or c) pretentious.

8) Don't name drop, including place names.

Though your date may be interested in your travels, he doesn't need to know you went to The Hamptons and dined at the same restaurant as Billy Joel or that you went to St. Moritz and skied with the Royal Family. Even if you are a close friend of Will and Harry, first dates don't need to know...otherwise see c) under 7.

9) That time when you got really drunk.

Does a date really need to hear about your stupidity, vomiting and passing out? Do you really need to relive it? Talking about drunken episodes makes you sound like a frat boy/sorority girl with a Peter Pan syndrome.

10) Any previous first dates you've had.

No one wants to be the next person on your list whose anecdotes will shared with another date. Respect people's privacy and they'll respect yours.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/123997

The 30-second, full-body massage was pretty hilarious! The celebratory snap at the end was a nice touch.

I also think this WOM ending might be a good nomination for the animated series. :P

The massage therapist was clearly getting a kick out of it! It was fun having someone so good-natured about the situation and added to the fun.

I agree about the ending! It has WOM potential.


or, as Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud) would say . . . Oi! Oi! Oi!

Went into my local World Market today to load up on snackage and found these. 

Same manufacture as those sent to R&L from Australia and used in Jen's demo of the Tim Tam Slam on GMMore, but for some reason they have to be packaged slightly differently here in the USA.


SERVING SUGGESTIONS - -  Australian Desserts: Try these yummy Tim Tam recipes...

Eat an icy-cold Tim Tam all on its lonesome.

Crush 3 Tim Tams up into a dessert bowl, pour 1 shot glass of Port or Muskat over them, top with sweetened cream and chocolate sprinkles.

Tim Tams served with strawberry and vanilla icecream sprinkled with some fresh berries.

Make your favourite cheese cake however use crushed Tim Tam biscuits and butter to make the crust.

Also known as the TIM TAM Suck or TIM TAM Bomb. Grab a Tim Tam and a warm drink (coffee, milo or tea). Nibble both ends off the biscuit and use it as a straw for your drink. When its saturated, quickly SLAM it in your gob before it falls apart. It can get kinda messy, but who cares when it tastes that GOOD!

Twiggy at www.geocities.com recommends the "Tim Tam Sundae". Get 4 Tim Tam Chocolate Biscuits (roughly chopped), add extra creamy Ice Cream, then 2 tablespoons Hot Fudge Chocolate and sprinkle on some Toppings to taste.

At Arnotts (www.arnotts.com) they suggest the Chewy Tim Tam Caramel Explosion. Get 1 pack Chewy Caramel Tim Tams roughly chopped, 8 generous scoops Vanilla Ice-cream & 8 tbs Caramel Topping with Chocolate sprinkles to garnish.

The Editors at www.coffeebreak.com.au recommend the "Tim Tam Thickshake". Mix a packet of Tim Tams, 8 scoops of vanilla icecream & 400ml milk in a blender. Rich, thick and full of chocolate. Hmmm.

At www.coffeebreak.com.au they also have this awesome recipe for "Tim Tam Chocolate Mousse". Get 2 packets Instant Chocolate Mousse (Mocha flavour works well), 1 packet Arnott's Tim Tam biscuits and 2 tbs Baileys. Method: Make up Chocolate Mousse according to packet details. Place the Tim Tams into a food processor and process into fine crumbs. Stir into mousse mix, and add Baileys. Stir gently. Allow to chill (as per mousse packet details). Then serve!

I haven't been able to find a Tim Tam Fondue recipe yet, but I'm sure it must exist. Hmmm, just imagine dipping fresh strawberries, pineapple pieces, berries, banana and mango into a warm thick Tim Tam sauce.

Make the Tim Tam Thickshake (above) but add nip of Baileys (Irish Cream Liquor), Frangelico (Hazelnut Liquor), Kahlua (Coffee Liquor) or Creme de Menth (Mint Liquor) to it.

Source:  http://about-australia-shop.com


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