
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

sorry for the late posting of today's GMM discussion . . .

guess i got too excited and forgot to add





Party All Night Long!

an 11-hour KBE/KommChat extravaganza

watch-a-thon & sing-along event

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How nice that in honor of the naming of Belvedere,

R&L even used my school colors in today's video cover pic. 


That was so sweet of them. 

LOL Lysh

Rhett wins the water gun fight. 

As they walk down the sidewalk, people will look at Rhett's soaked t-shirt and wet face and say, "Poor dude! Somebody must have spayed him with a water cannon.

Link on the other hand . . . people will just look at him, wag their head, and say "Poor dude."

Because you're a winner, we'll let the lateness slide. (Also because you're inviting everyone to the par-tay)

Thanks! :)

The look on their face when it landed on black was so happy. I hope they land on a red next week! 


I'm a night person - WOOT!!! :)

High five for night people! I would have had no problem staying up all night long. 

I remember pulling all-nighters before but forget when exactly - HAHA!!! :)

The special spot with exclusive video was awesome - AGAIN!!! :)

Man, I couldn't believe Link only pulled a couple of all-nighters in his entire college career. I think I was awake doing work for at least 75% of my nights in just my final year of college. o.O I was also quite an over-achiever, though, so that was probably my own fault...

WHOAH!!! :)


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