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◾Real Name: Gorgeous Gilly
◾Current Alias: Gorgeous Gilly
◾Affiliation: Rednex · Formerly Joker League of Anarchy
◾Status Alignment: Bad
◾Gender: Female
◾Origin Universe: New Earth
◾First Appearance: Action Comics #769 (September, 2000)

Gorgeous Gilly has powers of mesmeration capable of hypnotizing any man in the world to believe that she's the most beautiful creature in existence. Gilly's psychic hold can be broken by force of will, especially when her victim is removed from her sight. She hails from the swamps of rural Chattahoochee, Florida, a member of an extended family of meta-humans that have branded themselves the "Rednex". Gilly and her kin proudly embrace the worst Southern stereotypes. Any gathering of the Rednex is certain to include an abundance of banjo-picking, cousin-kissing and missing teeth.


◾Real Name: Mitchell Mayo

◾First Appearance: Batman: The Animated Series

◾Created by: Bruce Timm & Paul Dini

◾Portrayed by: Stuart Pankin (Voice)

◾Trivia: Batman once referred to him as "Mustard Man"

The Condiment King, created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for the Batman: The Animated Series, is a DC Comics villain who makes use of various condiments, sometimes capable of causing anaphylactic shock, as his weapons. He is generally used as comic relief within the series.

BELIAL IN A BASKET from today's GMM episode is not "cute" by any stretch of the imagination, but probably a lot nicer than this other DC character with the same name: 

Belial is a term occurring in the Hebrew Bible which later became personified as the devil in Jewish and Christian texts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belial

◾Real Name: Belial

 ◾Aliases: Prince of Lies

◾Relatives: Etrigan (son), Merlin (son), Scapegoat (son), Ran Va Daath (former wife)

◾Affiliation: Satanic Triumvirate (formally)

◾Base Of Operations: Hell, Belial's Castle

◾Status Alignment: Bad

◾Identity: Public Identity

◾Race: Demons

◾Citizenship: Hell

◾Marital Status: Separated

◾Occupation: Demon Archduke

◾Gender: Male

◾Eyes: Red

◾Hair: No Hair

◾Skin: Yellow

◾Origin Universe: New Earth

◾Place of Birth: Hell

◾Creators: Matt Wagner

Rectuma (2003) - Rotten Tomatoes

Rectuma (2003) - IMDb

Rectuma - BadMovieRealm.com

Image result for rectuma

WARNING:  humongous butticular images appear in the movie trailer


◾Universe: Marvel Universe

◾Real Name: Victoria Murdock

◾Aliases: None

◾Identity: Secret

◾Citizenship: U.S.A.

◾Place of Birth: Unrevealed

◾First Appearance: Captain America Comics #63 (1947)

Victoria Murdock was the sister of “Killer” Murdock, a racketeer, and used her brother’s connections to begin a career as a criminal scientist. She provided herself and her accomplices with asbestos-lined clothing to protect them from fire, then set fires to hold back the police while they robbed banks. Wanting to exploit her asbestos gimmick even further, the Asbestos Lady looked up Fred and Nora Raymond, a pair of leading asbestos scientists, intending to force them into assisting her. The android hero of the ‘40s, the Human Torch, came to the couple’s rescue, and rounded up the Asbestos Lady’s gang while she escaped.

I bet Jason would have really enjoyed this episode! 



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