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Which noble house do (and/or did) you want to see reign victorious in the end? Perhaps the powerful Baratheons who earned their spot on the throne through battle? Or the honorable Starks in the North with their Old Gods? Are you drawn to the wealth and riches of the Lannisters? Do you prefer a life at sea, worshiping the Drowned God with the Greyjoys? Are you awaiting the return of the Targaryen empire, led by the Mother of Dragons? Or is there someone else you wish to rule the Seven Kingdoms? Let us know where your loyalties lie!

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I know,  and yeah in the house of the undying, that bald dude freaked me out the first time I saw him.. 

Haha! :P I'm always like "I'm just going to read ONE chapter tonight" but then I end up reading like four, and sometimes if it's warm outside and I'm not doing anything else then I'd read them out there for a few hours..   but yeah, I have :) and now for a second time yay! 

Oh yeah, he was pretty creepy and weird... I really liked how they did the escape in the show tho too. With Drogon and the other two burning him all up :)

Wow! That's great! I usually say "I'm just going to read ONE chapter tonight", then I get to the end of the chapter, and I'm like "I wanna keep going but..." and then I've passed out. I need to start reading like an hour earlier. I wait too long, and I am exhausted and ready to sleep, haha. But I'm also trying to read during my lunch break now too... which is usually my time to try and catch up on some R&L so it's hard to pick which one to do, haha

Yep, aww I know, when they were only wee bairns ;) 

Haha :) How far are you into it? I'm not going to try and catch up with you btw I was just joking about that before, I don't like rushing through them, even though I read about 3 or 4 chapters it's because I probably start reading earlier than you.. so yeah you doing that will probably help haha. You can always just switch about everyday, do one one day, do the other another :P 


haha, wee bairns.. so cute too! as long as the engulfing flames were pointed the other way!

Well, let's see, I'm about... 173 pages in. SPOILERS (I hope anyone reading up to this point knows about this part, haha) Just read the bit where Tyrion has sex with Shea (in Varys' house) instead of booting her out of his life after getting his face all cut up and almost dying... which, let's talk about Shea real quick. Even before we got to this point in the show, I already had my mind made that I hated Shea and she needed to either (preferably) die, or leave King's Landing, and Westeros in general. My friends hated me for thinking this way. They would say

"Don't you love Tryion?"

"Yeah, he's like the best."

"So don't you want him to be happy?!"

"Yeah, but I don't think Shea is making him happy. She's just an added worry and weakness for him. If she were out of his life, he would be able to focus on the thing he really loves: playing the Game of Thrones!"

Well, I didn't get my way, and my friends got their way, and guess where that left Tyrion. Betrayed in the worst way imaginable, and feeling a billion times worse than if she would have just died or left when I said. I knew early on she was only going to be bad news. Do you think I'm as terrible as my friends thought, for wishing Shea dead so early? (Especially not knowing what she was going to do later on)

But yeah, so the next chapter I have is Arya... The last Arya chapter was about her Gendry and Hot Pie riding long into the night with little to no sleep... If I remember correctly, in the show they got captured by the Band of Bannerless Men or whatever, so I don't know if that is next, or still to come. But I'll find out soon!

:D I know! haha,

At first I was like "who the hell is Shea?" but you mean Shae? :') If I knew she was going to do what she did I probably would of thought the same as you, but I kind of liked that he 'had someone' even though I was worried that Tywin might find out, so you're right about her being a weakness.. You're not terrible for wishing that she should die :').. although saying that it sounds a bit harsh haha! But yeah if she was out of the way things would of went so much better for him! 

Yeah I saw that :P You'll have to wait and see ! :) If you haven't read it already 

Dammit, I spelled her name Shae first, but after typing it out like 10 times, it started to look wrong, and I was like 'Is it Shae, or Shea?' Then I went back and changed them all to Shea! hahaha, wow... oh well... So, apart from Joffery, which death were you happiest for? Or, the least saddened by? I guess mine would be Tyrion, although I kind of liked him. He was just the only one who could tell Cersei what to do, which made him awesome to me. Were you sad for the Hound, or no? It was a pretty emotional scene, either way...

Yep, read it. I was correct! 

Hahah dum dum, :P Probably Robert, I didn't really like him that much so, or actually the one that made me happiest was Lysa, the psycho, she kinda deserved it. Wait you said Tyrion? I think you meant Tywin hahaha, dum dum, I wasn't really sad or happy about him.. But as for The Hound I was kinda sad, I actually really liked him he was another one of my favourite characters, favourite quote "Fuck the kingsguard, fuck the city, fuck the king" yeaaaaah! That moment made me so happy, but yeah I'm sad he's gone, did you like him?

Weesht! Weesht weesht weesht! Why do I keep fucking up people's names?! But yeah, I forgot about Lysa, I was happy she died too... Go Petyr! Do you think her son is ever going to amount to anything? haha, she screwed him up in the head so bad, I hope he can still grow up to be normal

I know a ton of people really loved his bit about eating the chickens in that tavern where Arya gets Needle back... That ended up being a pretty bloody scene! But I liked him too. He was a nice guy. Saved Sansa, and was protecting Arya. I know I wanted Arya to go be a Faceless Assassin, and that only happened (or is hopefully starting to happen)because he died, but I would have also liked to see them together more. They made a pretty good team. Even though she wanted to kill him. :')

Nah! nope nu' no hahahahaaha you've taken some of my sillyness! yeah, bye bye Lysa, and no he's a wee brat, I think he isn't going to last long tbh 

Oh yeah!! I loved that scene, all he wanted were those damn chickens! :') Yeah, he wasn't really evil or anything, and he basically told Joffrey to do one, yaay! .. Haha yeah, but I like how he was like her protector :) I'm going to miss him.. We haven't really seen much of The Mountain.. I don't know if I like him or not. But I love these pictures haha

haha, if I took some of yours, I just added it to my own. But aye, he is a wee brat. It was hilarious watching him 'sword fighting'. I think he would prefer sword fighting with 2 shields, haha.

"told Joffrey to do one" that must be a brittish or scottish phrase cuz I've never heard that one before. But damn! That is a huge guy. But we just saw him after Cersei did her naked mile... He's like a Frankenstein creature now. But I definitely don't like him... 1) he killed that tiny dude in the first picture. 2) he didn't kill that tiny lassie in the 2nd picture!

haha! ayeee, 2 shields :') Even though he is a bit of a brat he is kind of sweet at times, and when I said he won't last long, I take that back, hopefully when he grows up he actually like does something.

Yeah. basically told him to piss off, did you mean to spell it like that? o h:') !! Brittish hahahaha I'm sorry that's funny. ..Yep, oh yeah, you just reminded me about him killing him, I wasn't even thinking about that when I added the picture, "tiny dude" "tiny lassie" hahaha!,help me:') oh and what he done to the Hound! burning his face, his own brother. Ok, I've decided I hate him

Yeah. basically told him to piss off, did you mean to spell it like that? o h:') !! Brittish hahahaha I'm sorry that's funny. ..Yep, oh yeah, you just reminded me about him killing him, I wasn't even thinking about that when I added the picture, "tiny dude" "tiny lassie" hahaha!,help me:') oh and what he done to the Hound! burning his face, his own brother. Ok, I've decided I hate him

He wasn't very sweet suckling on his mum's breast, yuck! "Make him Fly, mummy! Make him Fly!" "Moon door, moon door!!!" "Can we make him fly?" I really hope they fix his brain, because he is one messed up kid. Also, do you guys actually use mummy like that? If so, that's hilarious

Weesht! Oh, sorry, I made a couple typo's... I meant Bri'ish or Sco''ish. :P   haha, wow, I just had a weird thought... You said 'help me' cuz I'm assuming you are laughing at me so hard, so I imagined me throwing you one of those circular life preserve things on boats, but when you put it around your waist, it starts tickling you, making you laugh even more. I feel like that would be an evil invention, haha...

Oh yeah, the Mountain was/is a jerk! I feel bad for the Hound, having to grow up with him. No wonder he was so cold-hearted.


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