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A girl is Arya Stark.

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Ayra/no one, I'm confused cause of how Jaqen reacted when she said she was Arya again, cause like.. I thought the whole point of everything she's done was for her to be "no one".. but he gave her like an approval look when she said she's Arya and she's going home? haha, oh but that whole chase part was pretty cool, the girl chasing her I liked her facial expressions :') 

The moment between Tyrion Missandei and Grey Worm made me laugh, the joking, but yayyyy Daenerys is back with them! I'm at that point where I couldn't guess if she's going to win the Iron throne or not.. since it's close to the end I guess and ANYTHING could happen, I could only hope she does, she only needs her two other dragons and a way to get there, well she can fly over but everyone else will need a way...

The letter Brienne had.. that was the letter Sansa wrote? Think I missed that the first time I watched it. .. Her getting reunited with Jaime though, aww :) when he said "girls like her don't live very long" that was funny 

Still no Gendry haha 

I'm gonna have to rewatch, I don't remember the look of approval form Jaqen. But, if I had to guess, he is probably pleased with the fact that she was able to defend herself from the assassin attack. I mean, from his point of view, his assassin's probably don't get killed by their target very often, so he probably sees that as a sign from the Many-Faced God or something. Plus, I think he likes Arya. You know, especially since she kinda saved his life when he was trapped in that wagon.

Haha, Grey Worm tho. I forget exactly what he says, but after Missandei tells her joke and he is basically like "That joke sucked." lmao. But yes, Dany is back! I was disappointed a little that it was like *Dany walks in* *immediately cut to new plotline and never return*

but speaking of never returning to a plotline... what the heck is happening to Bran? It's been like 3 episodes I feel like. He was saved by ?Benji? Was his name Benji? The Stark Uncle tho. He got saved and there was this huge reveal that the uncle is still alive somehow... then they are like, "okay, see you next year Bran." I doubt he will be in next week's episode, as I'm sure 90-100% will be with Jon/Sansa/Ramsay in Winterfell. 

I feel like with the next episode about the battle for Winterfell, that only leaves the season finale. And I want to know what's happening with like every single plotline! I do not think my thirst for GoT drama and intrigue will be satiated. haha

Here, he smiles a little bit and then does a slight nod, but yeah.. that's true, hm.. Wonder if we'll see him again

Hahah! I know "that is the worst joke I have ever heard" :') . aww, yeah, like I was excited that she was back but they didn't even say anything!

Forgot about that with Bran.. Uncle Benjen? :p hahah I know! I'm looking forward to that winterfell battle, I'm going to try and not daydream when I'm watching the last two episodes, & will be switching my phone off, I wonder who's going to die next ..& if Arya will be reunited with Sansa and that.. there's still Jorah aswell I wonder if he'll find a cure, ohhh.. same! haha 

oh, yeah... honestly, it looks more like a smile/nod of disapproval to me. Like, he thinks she is making a bad choice, but isn't going to do anything (at least, not immediately) to stop her from making it. As he would obviously like her to stay and become a servant of the Many-Faced God.

lol, Benji, Benjen. Close enough. I was obviously just using his nickname. Come on. Oh man, I totally forgot about Jorah!!! So much has happened, I feel like he will be very close to becoming full rock-man if he hasn't found a cure already.


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