
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

To me, this discussion title sounds like the equivalent of "what's your sign?"...but I shall ask all y'all anyhow. I'll start...

I'm a Gemini and I'm getting a bachelor's (of business) in Health Care Management. I "chose" it because I've fallen into many management positions in my working life, and health care is one of the few industries in Michigan that still actually seems to be growing. I might actually get a job in my chosen field once I graduate...

So what's everybody else majoring in?

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i just graduated i did 3D Modeling and Animation i can make video games and 3d movies like Pixar/Dreamworks ... the economy for it has died at the moment but it will follow everything else and pick up again (soon i hope)
Nursing - one more year to go..hopefully!
I totally understand what you mean about the difficulty of finding/keeping a decent job. I was a social work major, and as much as I loved what I would have been doing, the money just isn't there!
(Now, that's not saying I'm in it for the money...I left out the entire 'running from God' part, that put me in social work to being with..nursing is what i'm called to do! haha)
Good luck with your studies! :)
Music!!! More specifically, worship. I'm attending Bible College at Christ for the Nations Institute. =D
Nursing is certainly a noble profession. My mom was a nurse for 25+ years, and although the money is decent, it definitely takes a certain "calling" to be able to do that job day after day. I had originally wanted to go into social work myself and my mom tried to tell me that the money wasn't worth the stress and I should go to art school instead. At the time I thought she was nuts (what kind of parent encourages their kid to go to art school?!?) but I soon realized she was right about how there was no money in it...guess it pays to listen to one's mother, eh?
I hope you fare well on your chosen path!

Abigail Guyton said:
Nursing - one more year to go..hopefully!
I totally understand what you mean about the difficulty of finding/keeping a decent job. I was a social work major, and as much as I loved what I would have been doing, the money just isn't there!
(Now, that's not saying I'm in it for the money...I left out the entire 'running from God' part, that put me in social work to being with..nursing is what i'm called to do! haha)
Good luck with your studies! :)
I just started Middle School Science Education at NC State. I want to eventually use it for missions!
I'm studying to be a teacher for deaf kids at Ball State University. Senior year this year, student teaching next year.
I'm a Sagittarius, and I'm getting a B.S. in psychology now. Then I'll go to grad school and get my Ph.D. in clinical psychology probably.
Art Education, working my way to teach in Europe... I think I'll feel better about my income if my wage is in Euros... And its freaking Europe.
Cultural Anthropology, and I'm a Leo
I'm an elementary education major witha minor in child psych, and I'm a Pisces.
Currently working towards a degree in Children's Ministry and a second in Media.
I'm a Foreign Language Major with a Secondary Certification. I hope to teach high-school foreign language, mostly French. ^^


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