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So I stumbled across this on Jelly Telly... Am I crazy or are these guys Rhett and Link?!



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shh don't tell I think it's there ultra secret identities or maybe they really are teh bentley brothers and Rhett and Link are really teh secret identities?  I'm so confused now
or maybe they are both secret identities for something that we do not yet know exists?!
Some one in the Kommunity let me know about that about a year ago. They are really great!

Philip (Groffgryphon) Austin said:
Some one in the Kommunity let me know about that about a year ago. They are really great!
The Bentley Brothers is actually how I found Rhett & Link.  Thank you, Phil Vischer!

I don't remember exactly when I found out about The Bentley Brothers. I do know that they were a part of Campus Crusade For Christ. Here's a photo of a dvd that I have of one of their videos for small groups:


Nice link - I've never heard of Jelly Telly and its a great resource for Christian families and kids work too. Ta.

! I found out about this too from a kommunity post on the "how did you find Rhett and Link forum.. why don't they ever mention it? Its my favorite! lol

They are the bently bros. i used to have jelly telly and i recently saw a rhett and link song and recognized them. And in the tags for bently brothers from the youtube channel 'buckdenver'(jelly telly character) it says rhett and link


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