
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

OK, if you're in this group and you have kids, chances are that you're guilty of this crime. But do you feel guilty about it? Me, not really. I'm helping them reduce their cavities...

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I dont have kids but i have younger siblings. i do happen to take candy when they arent looking. i do feel a little bad but they are just gonna look like me if i dont take it lol
I dont have any kids or younger siblings but I do remember how I felt when Halloween candy was taken away from me. After awhile, I learned to adapt. Instead of getting grumpy that they were taking my hard earned candy, I charged friends (who were not allowed to trick or treat) nickels and dimes so that they could have some of mine. I guess you can say, I capitalized on my candy surplus (and all the candy's I hated). Looking back, I only sold it to my slimmer friends though... Coincidence?
I don't have kids, and to be honest I was never aloud to trick-or-treat when I was younger. But my parents would still buy a bowl of candy to hand out to the kids in the neighborhood. I would always eat a ton of candy from that, and I never felt guilty! (;
So, your parents would not let you trick-or-treat, but they would encourage the neighborhood kids to do so by buying candy for them? Ouch. Yeah, I don't blame you for swiping that candy. It was yours!
I don't have kids, but I have younger siblings, and I must say that I have stolen their candy once or twice. But I usually exchange the one I stole for a candy I really hate, so it's not that bad.
BAD!!! My dad took my candy all the time still mad (I didnt see him walking two miles carrying all that candy!)


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