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As a fellow lover of the sport of Snowboarding I was wondering, after the infamous "pelvis incident" do you guys still ride? And is Sir Charles still as passionate about the sport? When did you first discover it?

Also got any tips for nailing some sweet jumps? I've gotten better over the last 8 years or so that I have been riding, but I am still skeptical of some after my friend broke his leg on the last run of the day.

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I'd like to piggy back on your question and also ask, in the "Pelvis Incident," it was mentioned that Link seemed to have lost a month.

Link: Do you now remember any of those things you seemed to have forgotten during those 8 hours? (the wedding, etc.)
hahaha, yeah, once I emerged from those 8 hours, i remembered everything that occurred before the 8 hours...which is nice! :)
Hahaha! Thank goodness for that!
After the pelvis incident, we all bought helmets. And generally got much less aggressive. So I definitely don't have any advice beyond:
1- don't break your pelvis,
2- wear a helmet,
3- if you're not going to abide by 1 and 2, go snowboarding with a friend who has a good memory and writing talent.

I did go snowboarding a few times over the next few years; but don't really go anymore now--it's quite an investment.
Yeah it can get expensive, we usually only go on days when there's a discount, up here the most expensive is maybe $80. I've never really been to any mountains outside of NH the only one out of state I have been to is a mountain in Vermont.

I have been wearing a helmet but I need to invest in a new one, I have fallen pretty hard a couple times because I do tend to ride extremely fast but I haven't broken anything yet so that's good.

It's good that you remembered the things that happened before the incident, and if I ever end up in a situation like yours I will be sure to have someone document it. Me and my sister favorite qoute from that story is probably "Wait, I'm just coming to, evidently I've hurt my left hip"

Thanks for answering!
When we were Park City for Sundance 08, we went snowboarding. It was surprisingly easy to remember....I didn't bust really bad at all. But, I was never too good to begin with, so I wouldn't call it impressive.

The worst part about snowboarding is getting stuck on the flats. Kind of makes you feel like a loser to have all these ski bunnies passing you as you do this awkward hop, hop, hop.
Ahh yes the embarassing hopping, I usually just unstrap and walk it takes way less time. Thankfully I usually go with someone who skis so I have them tow me through the flats when I get stuck.


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