
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Some of BlogTv.com's broadcasters are organizing a gathering August 20th weekend in fabulous Las Vegas. As I am sure you know most live broadcasters also are avid YouTubers as well. So to make The BlogVegas Gathering all it can be, It's only natural our YouTube community needs to be included.

I see no better reason to make an excuse to come out to Vegas than to hang out with some of your favorite online personalities. A few that have confirmed to attend are HowieReportingLive, JackValeFilms, LasVegasBarbie, MajorChaoz, Mobiltec, and NintendoLunchBox just to name a few.

Hotel arrangements have been made to help keep the costs down, Rooms are just 46 a night right on the Las Vegas Strip! You can make reservations here

We would love an RSVP to estimate attendance but are not necessary.

Please visit www.Blogtv.com/people/blogvegas for the latest updates of the gathering along with travel and booking information, and BlogTvLasVegas@gmail.com if you have any questions.

My Main Question is Will Rhett and Link be There? It would be a great op moment to do some crazy videos and music stuff.

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Thanks for the invitation...but I don't think we'll be makin it. For starters, your name is just another number to me :P


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