
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

If Rhett and link were to do another will it __ such as will it taco/ice cream sandwich what do u think they should do

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Will it PIE?
Will it fondue? That way you can do groupings of any kind of sauce and any kind of solid food.
Will it yogurt?

Will it Pizza Topping?

Simple, they try things on pizzas. Easy, fun, simple :3

Will it pie or will it cake would be fun

will it ice cream topping

Will it smoothie

1. Will it butter? They get a butter churner and then they mix something with milk and churn it in there.

2. Will it Oreo? Put something in between the two Oreo cookies and make it into a creme.

3. Will it Ice Cream? Put something into a ice cream maker and basically make ice cream.

will it sandwich?


will it chicken fry?
Will it truffel

Will It Coffee?


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