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If Rhett and link were to do another will it __ such as will it taco/ice cream sandwich what do u think they should do

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Will it microwave?

Already suggested (at least 4 or 5 times) and the whole idea has already been done by fellow YouTubers Jogwheel (approx. 350 times) a long, long time ago . . . and Rhett & Link were part of it . . .

Will it fold three times?

Will it cheese grater? Or, will it salad?

will it milkshake... example: pizza+beef+blender= Will It Milkshake?...

I believe that has been said before.

Will it paint?

Will it canvas?

Will it crayon?

I really wanna see will it candy cane?

Will it Milkshake. 

I wanna see this!

will it Christmas tree scent?

Wll it SALT and P3PP3R? 

ic3 cr3am, blu3b3rri3s, chocolat3, orang3 slic3, banana, vanilla pudding, bacon, cantaloup3, babyfood, cann3d spinach, br3ad, raw b33ts, p3anut butt3r and j3lly sandwich, nut3lla spr3ad, l3ttuc3, 

Will it Christmas ornament?


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