
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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Bad mouth your audience. We'll love it.

Rhett pretends to be a woodie and link pretends to be a storm troooper


Link randomly arrests Rhett.
Rhett tells link that he is going to die.
Lick your elbow.

(wheel suggestions)

Rhett sees a whawk out the window and/or Like finds a Melephant that crawls under the table. :D

Rhett and Link become monster truck drivers and ride in one truck together. (could probably be worded better)

Rhett and Link narrate a nature film about Jason

Rhett and Link write a song about how awesome the Beasts are

Shout out to Utah

Wheel suggestion: eat the microphone!

Rhett admits to being a well-groomed Sasquatch

R&L make each other weird sandwiches (they've got a kitchen back there now, right?) and consume them.

Shoutout to Joe Penna (Mystery Guitar Man)

Jason stages a coup

The camera is a beloved pet.

Rhett visits Link on his deathbed

Link becomes Chuck Testa

Rhett trains Link for the championship fight

Rhett and Link both attempt to drink a glass of water upside down
Rhett is a frog and hops around the studio and Link tries to catch him in an invisible butterfly net
Rhett and Link think Jason is a cat or dog. If Jason is a cat he must purr if he is a dog he must bark
Link thinks Rhett is a tree and tries to chop him down
Rhett and Link think the microphone is a fire and roast invisible marshmallows

Rhett and Link pretend to do the cinamon challenge

-Rhett disregards Link's personal space (ie. stands way too close while talking)

-Link finds out that Rhett is really a woman in disguise.

Wheel suggestion - the "I'm dead" move.


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