
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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I haven't seen all the episodes of GMM yet, so I'm not sure what's been done, but here's my ideas:

1. Rhett discovers that Link is his long lost dog

2. Link does a handstand.

Iink proposes to rhett
Show gets cancelled
Rhett is an alien

Rhett is a bank robber and link is the one working at the bank

link goes into  cardiac arrest

Rhett is an escaped mental hospital patience

Induce laugh attack on each other

Rhett whets himself

Make a look that someone would have if they played video games for 5 days strait

Rhett is annoyed by Link

Link has the mind of a three year old

Rhett confesses his deepest fear

Rhett and Link speak in pig-latin

Make up a song about bagels 

Rhett and Link are on a road trip, and Rhett has to pee

Make up a Happy Birthday Rap

Link thinks he is the Easter Bunny

Rhett has fleas

Link has a mouthful of brussel sprouts

Rhett tries to part the red sea


I have few suggestions :Rhett and Link pretend to be each other (R is being L/L is being R)

Rhett and Link pretend to be lady gaga/or sing one of her NICER songs

Link decides his purpose in life is  to be the table

Rhett and Link think Jason is a beave-coon (a mythical animal we have in southeast Texas and most of Louisiana . part beaver part raccoon)

Rhett and Link discover a Bacon-Hawk(hawk made out of/or produces bacon)

Either Link or Rhett accidentally go back in time and run into the younger version of Rhett or Link. 

Wheel suggestions- Rhett gets and invisible bird

                                      Link forgets who Rhett is

                                      Link marries the wheel of mythicality

--Introduce their wives

--Introduce Jason

~how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

~rhett and link arm wrestle while thumb wrestling

~some one randomly starts dancing while the other raps


Rhett and Link quit GMM and Jason ends the episode.

Rhett kills link dramaticly


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