
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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Link is a cranky toddler who keeps saying "no!" to Rhett, who is the mom
Rhett does a magic trick on link, who becomes speechless

Rhett and Link:

make themselves cry

I have a whole bunch. Let's see..

-Rhett shows off his karate skills

-Link confesses his fear of tall people

-Rhett and Link share Chuck Norris jokes

-spontaneous crying

-Rhett tries to cover up for something Link did wrong

-Link is sure Rhett is a werewolf

-Link offers Rhett dinner, but Rhett would rather eat Randy

-yoga workout

-Rhett wants to move to Alaska

Here are some of my suggestions:

-Link a beaver

-Rhett is a rampaging pigeon

-Link tells Rhett the truth about the tooth fairy

-R&L are dueling cowboys

-Link is a robber and Rhett is the police

-Link catches Rhett as Santa Claus

-Sword fight

rhett plays ELECTRIC guitar to the Thursday means mail song

Here are some!

  1. Rhett and Link are divas fighting over who's hair is better
  2. Rhett goes blind
  3. Link faints

Special Spots(Not Squares!)

  1. Rhett and Link are attacked by their kids
  2. Rhett and Link 3 legged race
  3. Rhett and Link cartwheel
  4. Rhett and Link play leap frog
  5. Rhett gives Link a piggy-back ride

Wheel Suggestion: Your hair is suddenly Jello

Link becomes invisible

Wouldn't it be funny if Rhett spun that one next week while Link is gone?

Rhett and Link go on a kiddie ride at Disney World

Suddenly Link starts growing taller and Rhett starts shrinking

Rhett tries to convince Link to help him dig a moat around his house

Disappointed with everything b/c it was always better in the past. It's just not the same!

Movie trailer ending with movie clips: 

Rhett: In a world where pizza isn't delivered by FedEx...

Link: What am I going to eat?

Rhett: ... one man tries to make a difference...

Link: We will lay siege to the tower and bring back his head!

Rhett: ... with his pet, Nero...

Link: Will you stop fiddling around in there, Nero?!

Rhett: ... a land-loving orca whale...


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