
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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Rhett becomes camera shy 

Link is hanging onto the edge of a cliff for his life while Rhett is eating chicken legs watching listening to Link scream "Help my big toe is stuck in a microwave and is about to be microwaved!!!"

play this game
link says 3 words then Rhett says three words and so on then they should make a funny story

Rhett keeps forgetting  things

Rhett must bust out of jail while Link patrols the cells, and Rhett can only use his GMM mug

Rhett is trying to swat a bee away and link wont stop asking what he doing

Rhett and Link smell each others shoes.

Rhett and Link smell each others shoes.

Rhett and Link talk backwards.

Rhett and Link talk backwords

that's what I said :)))


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