
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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GMM with two Links
I think they should do like in those commercials that their is a person and the person tricks the poptart to be eaten they should do that

- Rhett starts with "HEY, YOU..." before he says something

- Link starts with "Ladies and Gentlemen!" before he says something

- Link  starts with "Link anounces,..." before he says something

- Rhett says "I don't believe you one word!" when Link says something.

- speaking with a romantic seductive voice

- start every sentence with "Listen!!"

- Link's nose is itching

- Rhett ends everything with "I totally mean it!"

- Link ends everything with "Just ignore me"

Ideas from the game "Reaction"

Everything you say is in the form of a question

wife and husband fighting

Link asks rhett to marry him. 

Rhett accidentally runs over links foot
Rhett teaches link how to tie his shoe
Link has a new best friend
I like "Link has a new best friend"

Wheel of Mythicality suggestion: Rhett and Link discover that they are related

Thumbs up for me! :D

Rhett suddenly becomes scared and confused by all forms of communication.

Rhett fails to impress Link with magic tricks.

Rhett makes everything that link says sound sad


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