
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Personally after watching some of the beginning videos I think it would be really cool  (and I'm not sure how expensive it would be) for there to be a Mythical beasts, GMM or Rhett & Link patch. Many times Link has mentioned that the way to talk to a girl is "Hey I like your patch" and so with it's amazing coolness (that would surely come) people would ask and quite possibly would be introduced to the community like that! So strangers would get a 'talkin, and also mythical beasts can come up to each other and be like "Hey. I like your patch" like we know a secret. Mainly I just think it would be super awesome, and I would buy one. Does anyone else think this is cool? or does anyone else have any ideas that they think are awesome? :D?

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There have been patches but none are currently available on the R&L store.  The last few made were held back by R&L and have been used as gifts and prizes for various contests.  The only way to get one today is to contribute something in a R&L contest that's good enough to get their attention.


Until they go back into production, here are some mythically virtual patches for you. 

Sweet! I can enjoy these virtually! actually thought, these are pretty amazin. Thanks!

What about Mythical Hats? Or...

Mythical Deodorant

(Contains: Absolutely nothing, its that mythical)

I don't know what made this pop in my head the other day, but they should make a Rhett and Link chia. Have a it look like the logo, and have the chia grow where their hair is, Rhett's facial hair, and the option to grow some chia on Links face if you want to give him a beard or mustache...

I don't think this would ever happen, but if it does, I'm gonna buy one! 

phone cases! either one with the logo or one with the seal or one with the GMM image or what their special song is at the time.


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