
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

We've all seen the end results of your creative genius. But what project made you cry out for some Extra Strength Headache Relief? What made that project so difficult?

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Just from talking to the guys, and them talking to us, I would say it would be SuperNote. Because of the size, complexity, and difficulty of the entire process. (Including the Jingle Bells Song. That was REALLY hard for them. Because of the different Octaves)
JoJo is right. I'm not sure I would have answered with SuperNote without him reminding me, but yes, that was very time consuming, even though we had A LOT of help. There is no way we could have done it without the folks who helped count the notes. Also, the e-hermit made the whole SuperNote site work, and Dan the Montage Man put a lot of time into the SuperNote Jingle Bells. But even with all that help, it seems like we were constantly working on it for a few months straight.

The Alka-Seltzer Road Trip was hard simply because of the amount of travel and the pressure to deliver a good video at every leg of the trip. But we had a lot of help with that, too...our travel and shoot locations were coordinated by a team of people....we would have given up if we had to coordinate all that.
Thanks Rhett!
Oh man, I can't imagine how hard that must have been for Rhett to drive all that way hunched over in the little yeller car!! LOL! You guys did certainly deliver good videos at every leg of the trip.


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