
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

What is your Mythical Beast name, Why did you pick it and what does it mean???

Please tell us your mythical name
Why did you choose this name for yourself
What does it means???

Mine is Horphin.
Horse and Dolphin
I chose this name because I love these two animals.
The horse is a great and wonderful land animal. When Jesus comes back He will be on a White horse.
I love the dolphin becasue of it's gentleness and grace when you see them swimming. I first feel in love the dolphin when I was a little girl after watching "Flipper". The island of the blue Dolphin was one of my favorite books and movie.

There are my reason for my name what is yours?

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my mythical name is ChaneLeo.

The story for my name is..


I still wanted a part of my name in it.. so.. I thought of Chanel. As in, the perfume and brand.

But I wanted it misspelled so... Chenal.

And then Leo is my zodiac sign.. so




When I think of ChenaLeo I think of a female lion but has a mane. :S not very mythical but still.. I can add wings to it or something.. I have a pic of it in my photos!

Mine is Zimy, which is a dragon. I really don't know much about it, i just thought the name, plus being a dragon, was cool :)  and i really needed a name
[Choc] stands for chocolate because I LOVE IT.
[car] stands for caracal, that's a Lynx-like animal. Google it.
[inx] stands for sphinx , I wanted my beast to fly and well, it was the first winged animal that popped into my thoughts. Just like that.

An Australian friend of mine started calling G-Bizzle a while ago, so that became my gangsta name.

I love dragons. They are the epic utterness of mythicality!

So when I joined the Komm, i became G-Bizzle (Gangsta Dragon).

But I didn't want to completely obscure my identity, so I replaced my gangsta name with my real name, Garrett.

Thus, I am now called Garrett (Gangsta Dragon).


Mine is Chocoboodle ... because I love Chocobo's, and "oodle" is a fun to say aloud.  

I just smashed 3 really cool mythical beasts together. Hydra (dragon that grows 2 heads back for every 1 cut off) phoenix (flaming bird) and siren (singing mermaid type thing). I like these mythical beasts and they sounded cool together. Maybe a Hydraphoenixsiren is like a dragon with flaming wings that has a siren voice??

mine is rolf robot wolf

i chose it because i love wolfs and robotics


Creative monkey
I chose that name becuase I'm very creative and my favourite animal is a monkey.

My name is Squirrelipitus, He is a Spartan warrior trapped inside of a squirrels body.

It is a mix of a panda, a whale, and a sloth.

Mine is Marsyas because Its the god Rhett and Link named the potato peeler after.

Pllamachuck! It's a weird and wonderful hybrid of a platypus, llama, and a woodchuck.


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