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What kind of pet do you have? How did you get that pet? Did you adopt? Buy from a breeder? Tell your story, even post pictures!

I have a Female Weimaraner named Daisy Mae, she will be two years old on the 8th.

We got Daisy from a person who bought her from a breeder and the only reason was because she thought Weimaraners were 'beautiful" but soon realized that Daisy had way too much energy for her to handle. (She was running a daycare in her house, going to nursing school, and she had 3 kids).

Daisy went to two homes and got sent back each time, first time was because she had accidents in the house, second time she ate their couch and destroyed their door because they didn't put her in her crate (The person told them to or she would destroy things) We finally ended up with her when she was 7 months old. And she was the perfect dog, well besides not being trained at first, but with just some basic rules she's been a fantastic dog.

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I have a cat named Brando... he will bite you.. lol... but I used to have a German Sheppard (spelling??) slash Husky mix... her name was Daisy May and she recently died at age 12... I've had her as long as I remember, and I'm 12. But it's ok... :)
My "fat" Mini Rex, Tilly.
This is my Tabby, Barsik (It's a Russian name)
And a YouTube link for you movie people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwHWJTtibAo&feature=related
I also have another cat, Myska, but I only have a video of her

Tilly is 5 years old and is probably the weirdest rabbit ever. He always does the most ridiculous things, like ignore the cats and run around in circles continuously around his cage for no reason. He also learned how to fly. Really.
My dad got Barsik and Myska from his co-worker who had a litter of kittens. Since then they're both been getting quite along as brother and sister.
Yay! Everyone has such cute pets! Here's my herd... xD

One dog:

- Bayley, she's a 12-year-old cockapoo. We got her from a breeder. She is a great dog! Super smart and very youthful in her older age. We love her. <3

Four cats!:

- Penny, a 15-year-old short haired-tabby (and part Siamese we were told). We got her when I was just a little nugget, my parents took me to pick her out after seeing an ad for kittens. She's the crowd favorite. She's super tiny, weighs like five pounds! Crazy healthy though. She's our wise old cat. Doesn't put up with any nonsense. LOL

- Luca , a 9 or 10 year old Maine coon. He was born in our backyard with a litter of strays! He's a gentle giant. Seriously, he's huge! He has paws the size of a dog. He's the sweetest thing though. His meow sounds like he's still a kitten. xD

- Josie, also 9 or 10, is Luca's sister. She's considerably less large than him, but super fluffy! She's a strange cat. xD She's completely obsessed with me, and I'm convinced that she thinks I'm her mother cat. I love her though!

-Matty, 7 or 8, was one of my birthday presents one year! He was also a rescued stray. One of the cats on my Grandma's property (she lives out in the boonies) had kittens, and he was one of them. He's a mutt, and probably the least catlike cat you'll ever come across. You can do anything to him and he just lays there. He's a little bit of a chunker, and has a really weird, LOUD meow. Poor Matty is just now getting over a terrible ear infection. I've had to feed him antibiotics in milk. xD I'm glad he's getting better!!

One rabbit:

- Harper. He's a 7 month old Hotot. He's my newest baby. He's a very happy little dude and loves to get snuggles. He's very good at using his potty box (LOL), and his favorite treat is banana. :D He is from 4 Lil Pigs n Buns rescue.

One fish:

-Doug! Sweet ol' Doug. I love him so. He's a one-year-old Betta. He's purple. He lives in a tank right here to my left *motions to left*. He likes to have his water changed and to hide behind his big green plastic plant. He is from Walmart. xD

I have a goat by the name of Lyn as a pet. My story is that I've always wanted to have a goat and I saw some pygmy goats at the local petting zoo. I immediatly wanted one.... but, my mom is into wool so she said "Let's get a pygora (pygmy - angora) goat instead." so we got a pygora goat. Lyn is the cutest but the pygora kindof messed up the point. I wanted a small goat, not a big furry one! oh well! love u lyn!

These are my two cats. Fluffy one is Amy, short haired one is Rascal. They are bestist buddies and I'm so glad they have each other. They came from the same litter and there both tuxedo cats. Amy is a big baby but I love her and Rascal is just a free spirit I love them both. =)

i have many pets : 1 dog, 3 cats and 4 guinea pigs :3 not to forget my brother :) JOKES

I have a dog and five cats. That's right, five. And one of them had kittens a few days ago, so I temporarily have thirteen cats. I don't live alone though, I'm with my whole family of six. So we like to have a lot of pets, and we all love cats except for my mom. I might possibly post pictures at some future date.

This is my hamster called Buffy. She's about 4 months old :)


I have a dog called Leo, he's a pomeranian :) and my dad has two cats - Jasper and Tigger. Used to have a King Charles Spaniel called Lady I miss her, and a hamster 

I have quite a few pets....

Meridia- Kingsnake

Juniper- Ball Python

Chappie- Corn snake

Midna- Hamster

Chihiro- Hamster

Gnaire- Blue tongue skink

Sango- Asian forest Scorpion

Ren- Mustang

Ijos- Halfmoon betta

Yakuza- Halfboon Betta


Hi. I am new here. I have a 10 year old black lab mix named "Susie" who rescued me in 2009. Here is a picture from 2 Christmas's ago. She tried to help do some holiday cooking.
Here is the picture.


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