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What kind of pet do you have? How did you get that pet? Did you adopt? Buy from a breeder? Tell your story, even post pictures!

I have a Female Weimaraner named Daisy Mae, she will be two years old on the 8th.

We got Daisy from a person who bought her from a breeder and the only reason was because she thought Weimaraners were 'beautiful" but soon realized that Daisy had way too much energy for her to handle. (She was running a daycare in her house, going to nursing school, and she had 3 kids).

Daisy went to two homes and got sent back each time, first time was because she had accidents in the house, second time she ate their couch and destroyed their door because they didn't put her in her crate (The person told them to or she would destroy things) We finally ended up with her when she was 7 months old. And she was the perfect dog, well besides not being trained at first, but with just some basic rules she's been a fantastic dog.

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Awww! I came into my marriage with Brian, the Ragdoll cat, now nearing his 11th birthday. We got Sarah, the cranky tortie together from the shelter just before 9/11 and her adorable kitten-ness was a big part of how we comforted ourselves during that tragic time. A little over a year ago, we brought home Benjamin, the super-snooter Black Lab whom we adore! Here are pics of them all.

I wish my parents allowed more animals, I would love to get a second dog although my mom would love another dog, my dad doesn't atleast not now.
We have one dog:
Bo (boy) - My sister got Bo as a present from her boyfriend 2-3 years ago. He's a small chihuahua/Yorkshire Terrier mix. He's gotten into trouble though... he's run away from home! Once when we were in Chicago, and the dog sitter (my brother's girlfriend) lost him. He was gone for 3 days that time. Other times he's just ventured off to other parts of the neighborhood, and we've found him shortly after.

Two cats:
Oliver (boy) - We got Oliver on new years day, 2000. He was supposed to be a Christmas present, but he wasn't allowed to leave the shelter yet. Santa left us a note saying that the sleigh was too cold for a baby kitten.

Tillie (girl) - We found Tillie last year at the end of October. She was very tiny, probably only 7 weeks old. She's a Maine Coon, which means she is very soft. She hadn't been spayed, so she got pregnant in spring this year (not by Oliver - he's neutered). Which brings us to our next pets...

Five kittens (born about 2 weeks ago):
Stewie (boy) - My brother got to name this one, named after Stewie from Family Guy. This one is the most cuddly, and the chubbiest of them all.

Ringo (boy) - The kitten that I got to name. He is also cuddly, and he is the runt of the pack. Strangely, he looks just like my boy cat Oliver.

Marlo (girl) - My other brother got to name this one. This one is very loud and likes to be close to her mom at all times. Her whole body is black, except for her paws and her face.

Mo (girl) - My sister got to name this one. Her dog, Bo, and "her" kitten, Mo. This one is JUST like Marlo.

A.J. (girl) - My parents kitten. "A" from my mom's first name, and "J" from my dad's middle name. This one is cuddly at times, and a momma's girl at other times. She's basically all black with patches of orange and white all over her face.

Unfortunately, we don't get to keep the kittens. We've found safe homes for all of them. Plus, all of their future owners are people we know, so we will still get to see them!

Many, many pets have gone through our house over the years. These are just the ones we have currently!
I have a black lab/German shepherd mix, a 25 pound Calico cat, and a smaller american short hair with two small spots of white on her stomach.

We used to have a hamster and fish, but they died. =/
I have 3 birds...2 cockatiels named Oliver and Valentine, and 1 canary named Sunny. I also have a golden retriever puppy named Rocky. He's so cute! :)

I got Oliver when our previous bird, Willow, decided to fly away. :( That's when my mom and I finally found out that we should have their wings clipped so they can't fly. Then we decided that Oliver needed a friend.
So one day after school on Valentine's Day, my mom surprised me with Oliver's new friend. Since it was Valentine's Day, we named her Valentine. But apparently Valentine is not a girl after all, because she never laid eggs like Willow did. Oliver and Valentine like each other A LOT. So I think that they might be gay. lol!

Then came along Sunny, the canary. We originally got him for my grandparents for Easter a few years ago. But when my grandparents passed away, my mom and I decided to keep him. He sings such beautiful songs.

Finally there's Rocky. We got Rocky this past July as a complete surprise. One of my mom's piano students came to our door one evening and was holding a puppy in his arms. My mom was thinking "Aww, you got a new puppy!?" And he said "No this is for you." My mom was like "What!?" You see, we have a lot of dogs in our neighborhood, and my mom always has dog treats to give them when they come by our house. So he thought that we needed one of our own. Aww! He is now 12 weeks old. I can't believe how much he has grown in just a couple weeks. He is too cute! I'm going to miss him a lot when I have to go back to college, and my mom will have to take care of him by herself for a while.

Birds are strange like that, I think I would own one but my moms not a bird person. They are very pretty though.

Oh my goodness....that puppy is way too cute! It's funny how he just gave it to you! I wish that would happen to me! My aunt has a Golden (had three 2 died within a year of each other) and has had them for over 15 years. They are very smart dogs, almost too smart.....
Megan McMo said:
We have one dog:
Bo (boy) - My sister got Bo as a present from her boyfriend 2-3 years ago. He's a small chihuahua/Yorkshire Terrier mix. He's gotten into trouble though... he's run away from home! Once when we were in Chicago, and the dog sitter (my brother's girlfriend) lost him. He was gone for 3 days that time. Other times he's just ventured off to other parts of the neighborhood, and we've found him shortly after.

Two cats:
Oliver (boy) - We got Oliver on new years day, 2000. He was supposed to be a Christmas present, but he wasn't allowed to leave the shelter yet. Santa left us a note saying that the sleigh was too cold for a baby kitten.

Tillie (girl) - We found Tillie last year at the end of October. She was very tiny, probably only 7 weeks old. She's a Maine Coon, which means she is very soft. She hadn't been spayed, so she got pregnant in spring this year (not by Oliver - he's neutered). Which brings us to our next pets...

Five kittens (born about 2 weeks ago):
Stewie (boy) - My brother got to name this one, named after Stewie from Family Guy. This one is the most cuddly, and the chubbiest of them all.

Ringo (boy) - The kitten that I got to name. He is also cuddly, and he is the runt of the pack. Strangely, he looks just like my boy cat Oliver.

Marlo (girl) - My other brother got to name this one. This one is very loud and likes to be close to her mom at all times. Her whole body is black, except for her paws and her face.

Mo (girl) - My sister got to name this one. Her dog, Bo, and "her" kitten, Mo. This one is JUST like Marlo.

A.J. (girl) - My parents kitten. "A" from my mom's first name, and "J" from my dad's middle name. This one is cuddly at times, and a momma's girl at other times. She's basically all black with patches of orange and white all over her face.

Unfortunately, we don't get to keep the kittens. We've found safe homes for all of them. Plus, all of their future owners are people we know, so we will still get to see them!

Many, many pets have gone through our house over the years. These are just the ones we have currently!

Our neighbors Chow/Shepherd/Lab/Whoknowswhat is exactly the same way, he's a great dog it just he likes to go out on little adventures. Thankfully he comes straight to our house looking to play with Daisy.

That's a lot of cats! I kinda wish we had a cat, but personally I'm more of a dog person but occasionally i find a cat I like. One of the reasons that me and my mom would probably never own a cat is because of the litter box, I thought it wouldn't be too bad but after petsitting 4 cats I changed my mind.

That's great you found them all homes, it's probably hard placing litters of animals in this economy.
I have a chihuahua named Rocky Rockport. "Rockport" came from the fact that he slept in my shoe when he was a puppy. A friend gave me Rocky a day after Tadpole passed away. Tadpole was a rescue that I adopted. He had major allergy problems and required a bath at the vet weekly and several medications. He developed diabetes and had to have two insulin shots daily. I was devastated when he passed away. Rocky was a gift to help me with my grief. I live alone, so he's about the best company anybody could hope for. He has me well trained!
This is my cat, Piper, aka Kitty. He likes to hang out under my bed. He's very anti-social. The link is a video I uploaded on YouTube.

I Have a black-gray cat and an orange Tabbby the tabby tabby is Princey the Gray one is Twitchy we own there moms and had to put them inan animal shelter so we kep t these two cats twitchy is about two years old and princey is about 1
Your cats have pretty eyes! I love the orange-y color!

Azia layman said:
I Have a black-gray cat and an orange Tabbby the tabby tabby is Princey the Gray one is Twitchy we own there moms and had to put them inan animal shelter so we kep t these two cats twitchy is about two years old and princey is about 1
We have a hyperactive dog named Max and I have a very handsome cat named Takkun (The name is from an anime). He is my baby, but he doesn't like to act like it. As you can see in the picture, he has lots of attitude.


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