I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?
... im not sure but wasnt All Rising the name of her band and thats why she kept sayin it on AI? if so, would that just be promoting their band?(instead of Rhett and Link) idk tho ... interesting idea tho
im not sure tho so take my word with a grain of rice at the moment im tryin to look it up and all i can find is different storys about her death (AND a special Tribute by two web comedians)