
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

What do your friends or family think of Rhett & Link?

My family has all seen the "Red House Furniture" video and they think it's funny, but other than that they haven't really been exposed to other videos. My mom likes to call them our "Favorite people" whenever we are watching or quoting from a video, even if it's not from a R&L video she will ask "Is that from your favorite people?"

As for my friends they think that R&L are hilarious, they especially like the "Guide To The Good Life" videos. But again they don't go and watch all the time.

So what about you?

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My family doesn't really care for them all too much, I've tried to show them videos but they just haven't "hooked".

My friends on the other hand.. I've gotten them to be big fans.
I have forced (yes, forced) many of my friends and family to watch a lot of their videos. Even though my friends' first response was "Wow. These guys are weird!". They've all become fans. :)
My brother was bored and searched "Song" in YouTube And got the Shamwow song. We watched that and me and my brother really liked it. So we searched more songs from them and we got hooked on them. So my whole family loves it.
As for my friends, they don't like them that much.
My parents amuse me endlessly with their "we don't get it," response to internetainment in general and Rhett&Link specifically. My sister adores them...just the mention of their names makes her smile. My brother and his kids think they're super and that I'm incredibly cool for knowing them. I guess that makes me an official "hanger on."
Isn't awesome that your kids can watch Rhett and Link's comedy!
It was easy to get my brother in law and sister hooked. My sister and I are always writing silly songs so I knew she would appreciate it.
My dad has been known to call them the "Roscoe and Water Tab" guys, as some of you already know. (On guitar, I usually play Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and Little Water Dispensing Tab when I get bored. He usually overhears.)

When I went to North Carolina, one of the first things he said when we crossed the state line is "Now don't be talkin' about them Roscoe and Water Tab guys the whole time we're here. They live in Lillingville (sic) right?"

My friends, families, co-workers, and my subscribers love the guys. :)
I have shown everyone the website and they all love them. When we went to the truck race back in May, I had to play the Cornhole Song on the way over there so our buddy could sing..lol...yes there is R & L CD that stays in the car..


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